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绵阳师范学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目 How to Organize English Class with New Textbook 怎样利用新教材组织好英语课堂 姓 名 谭 丽 莎 班 级 2003级4班 指 导 教 师 王 玉 兰 讲师 专 业 英 语 院 系 名 称 外 国 语 学 院 答 辩 时 间 2007年6月 绵阳师范学院学位委员会办公室制 中国·绵阳 如何利用新教材组织英语教学 学生姓名: 谭丽莎 指导教师: 王玉兰 摘 要: 随着时代日新月异的变化,为了赶上时代的步伐教育部门对对教科书作出了很大调整。这引起了老师和学生们的普遍关注。 面对这种新情况,全国上下所有的中小学教师都使出浑身解数及时探索并及时调整自己的教学方法,使其能尽快适应当前形势。本文重点讨论了如何应用新教材组织英语课堂。通过它, 我希望能对中学英语教师如何组织英语教学有所帮助。论文首先介绍当前英语教学情况和教科书的特点及其教科书改革的背景、教材改革的目的、新教科书的规划;然后阐述了如何组织英语课堂教学及确定教学目标、优化的教学内容;最后论文论述了科学的教学模式。 关键词: 新教材; 英语教学; 英语课堂 How to Organize English Class with New Textbook Undergraduate: Tan Lisha Supervisor: Wang Yulan Abstract: As the times changes rapidly, to keep well with the new situation, educational systems readjust their policies a lot, especially text books. In our daily life, confronting with the transformation, teachers in middle school make every effort to adjust their teaching methods to it. In this graduation thesis, I emphasize on how to organize English class efficiently, which, I hope, is useful for English teaching in middle schools. The paper makes brief introduction to the new situation of English teaching; then to new textbooks, next to the background of English teaching reform. Last to some suggestion about organizing English class and scientific model of teaching . Key Words: new textbook; English teaching; English class; Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Brief introduction to new textbook 1 2.1 The background of textbook reform 1 2.2 The aims of new textbook 2 2.3 The new arrangement of new textbook 3 2.3.1 Goals 3 2.3.2 Warming up 3 2.3.3 Listening……………………………………………………………..…….. 3 2.3.4 Speaking 4 2.3.5 Reading……………………………………………………………..………. 4 2.3.6 Language study 5 2.3.7 Integrating skills 5 2.3.8 Tips and checkpoint 6 3. How do English teachers organize English class 7 3.1 Determine the aims of teaching 7 3.2 Organize optimum content of teaching 7 3.3 Choose scientific model of teaching 8 3.4 Adopt diversif


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