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大肠杆菌的磷酸转移酶系统 专业: 计算机科学与技术生物信息处理方向 姓名: 张钰倩 手写签名: 班级:一班 学号: 20107660159 大肠杆菌的磷酸转移酶系统 The phosphotransferase system (PTS) of E.coli 摘要:PTS是运载体家族中的转位分子,在原核生物和古细菌中广泛存在(E.coli)为例,通过对大肠杆菌的PTS的结构,功能和作用机制等各方面的初步分析与研究,进一步了解它的效应和生物影响,控制反应中产生的消极影响,以便更好地应用在工业等方面的生产当中提高效率。 关键词:磷酸转移酶系统; E.coli; 糖酵解; 磷酸基团转移; Abstract:Bacteria is very thrifty and intelligent cell organisms, they have small size and fast metabolism.But in many cases they always live in harsh environments,thus they developed a smart way to adopt the environment they meet during the long-term evolutionary,so that they can make most use of resources. Phosphotransferase system of bacteria, usually abbreviated as PTS, is a typical example of these methods. Through the PTS of the mechanism, the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the group transfer process in the glycolytic and other biochemical reactions in order to achieve a sugar transporter distribution of the bacterial cells, which plays a vital role in bacterial substances and energy utilization, metabolism of carbohydrates operation , the metabolic repressor decomposition, carbon source reserves and balance, even the whole metabolic system . Here make E. Coli as an example, preliminarily analysis and research various aspects of the structure, function and mechanism of E. coli PTS ,then learn more about its biological effects, and control negative reaction in order to better apply in industrial and other aspects of the production to improve efficiency Keywords: phosphate transferase enzyme system; E. coli; glycolysis; transfer of phosphate groups; 目 录 摘 要 I 引言 1 1 PTS的结构与功能 1 1.1 细菌磷酸转移酶的发现 1 1.2 E.coli的PTS三维结构与各蛋白组分功能 1 1.3 E.coli的PTS蛋白组分氨基酸序列 3 2 PTS的作用机制与研究方法 4 2.1 PTS作用机制 4 2.2 PTS的研究方法 6 3 PTS的生理意义与改进 6 3.1 PTS的生理意义 6 3.2 PTS存在的问题与改进 7 结 论 8 参考文献 8 引言: 蛋白的磷酸化及去磷酸化状态在分解物代谢阻遏中起关键作用。PTS系统是运载体家族中的转位分子,这是原核生物与古生菌独有的系统模式,在动植物体内却不存在这个系统作糖酵解中的物质转运。粗略的引入,PTS包括


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