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fgdgdfgdf符合法规和法规和土壤突然图腾 Dear Mr. Firas, 尊敬的菲拉斯先生: As per Manuel Vilanueva, may associate and friend request, attached is our procedure, list of available securities and application form to be filled by the costumer. In the event interested, please provide along passport copy and company article for project/leasing purpose. 按照我的同事以及朋友曼纽尔·维兰纽瓦先生的要求,在这封邮件中为您发送我们的合同、可选择证券列表、以及需要客户填写的申请表,请查收附件。如您有合作意向,请提供护照复印件以及与项目或者租借目的有关的公司条款。 In reference to your issue, we can offer in alternative our corporate financial product i.c. Altofin CD placed on Bloomerg, otherwise one more solution, as follows: 根据您的需求,您也可以选择我们的公司理财产品“爱托芬(Altofin)存单”(在彭博公司,Bloomberg注册),操作流程如下: ALTOFIN issues an agreement for securities in leasing (no leasing fees) 1) 爱托芬公司出具证券租借协议(无租借费); ALTOFIN discount 90% leased BOND (BG or CD or MTN), transform discounted amount in an Altofin CD 2) 爱托芬公司对租借证券(银行担保、存单或中期票据)提供9折优惠,折后资金存入爱托芬存单; CD shall be deposited in our correspondent bank (Volksbank or Bank of Dubai) with maturity date one year 3) 客户在我公司代理行开立存单(沃克银行或迪拜银行),存期为一年; Volkshank issues SKR (Safe Keeping Receipt) with deposited CD 4) 沃克银行为存单出具保管收据(SKR); SKR shall be confirmed by MT 760 5) 保管收据按信汇760方式确认; End of the transaction 6) 完成交易。 Please note, in order to carry out issuing of Altofin CD/POF on Bloomberg (in alternative to security in leasing from primary banks, quoted in stock market), costumer need to go through leasing procedure as formality to meet legal requirements of our Institution (FREE OF CHARGE). This is to say, costumer will sign agreement as borrower for an security chosen from our list, we will lend and discount at 90% of face value. Funds from discounted security to be placed on CD therefore publicized in Bloomberg along with access code for costumer bank record and verification. 请注意,要开立在彭博公司注册的爱托芬存单或资金证明(而不是通过主要银行租借证券),客户必须完成正规的租借程序,使其符合行业协会的法规要求(免费)。这就是说,客户要从我们的列表中选择一种证券,作为借用方签订协议,我们以票面价值九折出借。这部分资金将被存入存单,并在彭博公司注册。客户会得到帐户密码,以便查询和确认资金。 Upon receipt of Application form filled by the costumer, we


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