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For some centuries the Vigenère cipher was le chiffre indéchiffrable (the unbreakable cipher). As a result of a challenge, it was broken by Charles Babbage (the inventor of the computer) in 1854 but kept secret (possibly because of the Crimean War - not the first time governments have kept advances to themselves!). The method was independently reinvented by a Prussian, Friedrich Kasiski, who published the attack now named after him in 1863. However lack of major advances meant that various polyalphabetic substitution ciphers were used into the 20C. One very famous incident was the breaking of the Zimmermann telegram in WW1 which resulted in the USA entering the war. In general the approach is to find a number of duplicated sequences, collect all their distances apart, look for common factors, remembering that some will be random flukes and need to be discarded. Now have a series of monoalphabetic ciphers, each with original language letter frequency characteristics. Can attack these in turn to break the cipher. * The One-Time Pad is an evolution of the Vernham cipher, which was invented by Gilbert Vernham in 1918, and used a long tape of random letters to encrypt the message. An Army Signal Corp officer, Joseph Mauborgne, proposed an improvement using a random key that was truly as long as the message, with no repetitions, which thus totally obscures the original message. Since any plaintext can be mapped to any ciphertext given some key, there is simply no way to determine which plaintext corresponds to a specific instance of ciphertext. * Transposition Ciphers form the second basic building block of ciphers. The core idea is to rearrange the order of basic units (letters/bytes/bits) without altering their actual values. * Example message is: meet me after the toga party with a rail fence of depth 2. Security of Vigenère Ciphers have multiple ciphertext letters for each plaintext letter 每个明文字母对应多个密文字母 hence letter frequencies are obscured but not totally lost D


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