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SALES CONTRACTContract No.:This Agreement is made as of the BETWEEN: (“Seller”)AND:(Buyer)INTRODUCTION: The Seller has agreed to sell and Buyer has agreed to buy copper concentrates at the following terms and conditions;IT IS AGREED by the parties as follows:ARTICLE 1DURATION1、This Agreement shall commence from signing date of this contract(the Commencement Date) and remainin effect until 31st, Dec, 2020Buyer and Seller shall discuss in good faith to determine the extension of this Agreement for mutually agreed duration no later than 30th, Jun, 2020 .本合同有效期至2020/12/31.双方在2020年6月30号之前协商延期事宜。ARTICLE 2MATERIAL2.1 Sulfide copper concentrates produced by OyuTolgoi LLC (hereinafter referred to as “Producer) at the OyuTolgoi copper and gold mine in the South Gobi area of Mongolia, with estimated assay shown in Appendix I. (hereinafter referred to as Material).货物为蒙古国南戈壁省的奥尤套鲁盖铜矿和金矿(以下称厂家)生产的奥尤套鲁盖硫化铜精矿(以下称货物),化学成分见附表1。2.2 Any Material delivered by Seller (l) shall conform with Chinese regulations for copper concentrates imports and (ii) shall not exceed limits imposed by Chinese government for radioactivity level, both (l) and (ii) as agreed by the parties at the Commencement Date. Buyer shall ensure Seller is kept fully informed of any material changes in the relevant regulations during the Term. In the event a change in the above regulatory framework excludes the import of the Material into China as contemplated by this Agreement, then Seller shall be free to determine and notify such regulatory change as a material adverse change in accordance with Article 16.卖方交付的货物:(l)应当符合中国法规要求的进口铜精矿。(ii)不得超出中国政府对放射性等级的规定。以上两点双方需在有效期达成统一。买方应确保卖方在相关规定发生变化时拥有充分知情权。如果在以上规定范围内不包括进口到中国的货物的补充协议,那么依据第16条卖方有权决定并通知这样重大的不利改变2.3If the specifications of the Material are not as agreed in Clause 2.1and suchspecifications may negatively impact the smelting and refining process of smelter ofBuyers Receiving Smelter, then Buyer and Seller shall discuss in good faith the negativeimpact and potentia


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