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承 德 地 区 两 温 泉中 古 细 菌 基 因 型 多 样 性 分 析 郝春博,张丽娜,李思远,周 训,冯传平,方 斌 ( 中国地质大学 水资源与环境学院,北京 100083) 摘要: 通过构建 16S rDNA 克隆文库,对承德地区两 个 不 同 温 度 的 温 泉 中 古 细 菌 的 基 因 型 多 样 性 进 行 了 分 子 生 态 学 研 究。结果表明: 山湾子温泉( A12) 74. 5 ℃ 热水中的古细菌主要分属泉古菌门( Crenarchaeota) 和广古菌门( Euryarchaeota) 两个门; 七家温泉( A14) 61. 4 ℃ 热水中的古细菌则只属于泉古菌门,没有广古菌门微生物的分布。样品 A12 中的古细 菌序列只可分为 3 种基因型,而 A14 中的古细菌序列可分为 10 种基因型。古细菌多样性的差异表明,温度是影响温泉 中古细菌多样性水平的重要因素。样品 A12 中古细菌群落具有厌氧发酵乙酸产甲烷的生理功能,而 A14 中大多数古细 菌均与氨氧化古菌有密切的亲缘关系,其主要生理功能为好氧氨氧化。 关键词: 温泉; 16S rDNA; 克隆文库; 古细菌; 生物多样性; 承德地区 中图分类号: P641; Q939. 1 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000 - 8527( 2011) 06 - 1207 - 07 Archaeal Diversity Analysis for the Two Hot Springs in Chengde Area of China HAO Chun-bo,ZHANG Li-na,LI Si-yuan,ZHOU Xun,FENG Chuan-ping,FANG Bin ( School of Water Resources and Environment,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China) Abstract: The archaeal diversity of two hot springs with different temperature in Chengde area of China was in- vestigated using 16S rDNA clone library. The results showed that the archaea in the Shanwanzi hot spring A12 ( 74. 5 ℃ ) belonged to two phyla: Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota,but the archaea in the Qijia hot spring A14 ( 61. 4 ℃ ) belonged to Crenarchaeota only. Based on sequence similarity,a total of 3 phylotypes or opera- tional taxonomic units ( OTUs) were obtained from A12 sample,while the archaeal sequences in A14 sample could be classified into 10 phylotypes. The biodiversity difference between the two samples revealed that the temperature might be an important factor to affect the level of archaeal diversity in hot springs. The major physi- ological function of archaea in sample A12 was methanogenesis through anaerobic acetate fermentation. On the contrary,the most archaea in sample A14 were closely related to ammonia-oxidizing archaea,indicating that their dominant physiological function was aerobic ammonia oxidation. Key words: hot spring; 16S rDNA; clone library; archaea; biodive


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