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城市轨道交通站台噪声测量研究 刘茜 史聪灵 伍彬彬 石杰红 李建 中国安全生产科学研究院地铁火灾与客流疏运安全北京市重点实验室 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 为研究城市轨道交通高架和地下站台噪声的规律和特点, 选取某条线路中的3个高架站台以及3条线路中的7个地下站台进行实地测量, 并对测量结果进行分析。研究结果表明:地下站台LAeq值都低于标准限值80 d B (A) ;站台的中心测点列车进站LAeq值和列车出站LAeq值都非常接近, 使用T检验结果得出各站台中心测点列车进站LAeq值和列车出站LAeq值不存在显著差异 (P0.05) ;站台测量时要考虑大客流带来的喧闹声;站台最大噪声值是列车出站时, 位于站台列车车头停止位置。 关键词: 城市轨道交通; 噪声; 站台; 作者简介:刘茜, 本科, 教授级高级工程师。 作者简介:史聪灵, 博士, 教授级高级工程师。 收稿日期:2017-09-10 基金:十三五国家重点研发计划项目 (2016YFC0802505, 2016YFC0801704) Analysis on noise status of urban railway platform LIU Qian SHI Congling WU Binbin SHI Jiehong LI Jian Beijing Key Laboratory of Metro Fire and Passenger Transportation Safety, China Academy of Safety Science and Technology; Abstract: This paper studies the noise characteristics of urban railway transit platforms, including elevated and underground stations, so as to provide references to noise measurements in practice. Platform noise of three elevated stations for a railway line, as well as seven stations for three metro lines, were measured and analyzed. The results show that LAeq values of underground stations is below the standard limit 80 d B ( A) . LAeq values at middle platforms are very close when trains are pulling in or pulling out, for both elevated and underground stations, as well as island and side platforms. The t-text demonstrated that there is no significant differences between LAeq values at middle platforms when trains are coming and going ( P 0. 05) .When measuring stations noise, it is necessary to pay attention to noise from massive passengers. The results also show that the maximum LAeq value on platform is located at the train head position when the train is pulling out. Keyword: Urban railway transit; noise; platform; Received: 2017-09-10 0 引言 自从1971年我国的第一条地铁线, 北京地铁一号线开始运营以来, 城市轨道交通一直在建设中。尤其是近10年来, 我国城市轨道交通得到前所未有高速发展, 截至到2016年12月, 我国大陆地区共有30个城市开通了轨道交通, 总里程达4 152.8 km。预计到“十三五”末, 全国将有超过50个城市开通轨道交通, 运营里程将超过6 000 km。伴随着大规


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