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希腊 雅典

The brief introduction of Athens 古希腊被看作是西方文明的摇篮,古雅典是一个强大的城邦,是驰名世界的文化古城。雅典是希腊经济、工业、政治和文化中心。雅典至今保留着许多历史遗迹和艺术作品,其中最著名的是雅典卫城的帕提农神庙,是西方文化的象征。 Ancient Greece as the cradle of Western civilization, ancient Athens was a powerful city-states, is the world famous cultural city. Athens is Greeces economic, industrial, political and cultural center. Athens has retained many historic monuments and works of art, the most famous is the Parthenon of the Acropolis, a symbol of Western culture. The famous places of interests in Athens 拜占庭博物馆(Byzantine Museum) 贝纳基博物馆(Benaki Museum) 奥林匹亚宙斯神殿(The Temple of Olympian Zeus) 戴奥尼索斯剧场(Dionysos Theatre) 卫城 (Acropolis) 哈德良拱门(Hadrian’s Arch) Greek Aegean 爱琴海是地中海东部的一个海域。爱琴海不仅是西方欧洲文明的摇篮,更是浪漫情调旅程的象征。各国游客都想领略爱琴海的魅力。 The Aegean Sea is a sea area of the easternMediterranean. Not only The Aegean Sea is the cradle of Western European civilization,but also is a symbol of the romantic journey. Visitors from all over the world want to enjoy the charm of the Aegean Sea. the legend of the Aegean 在远古的时代,有位国王叫弥诺斯,他有一个儿子叫忒修斯。国王必须每年供奉七男七女给另一个国家。忒修斯为解救这些孩子,与国王约定。当他成功返航时就把船上的黑帆变成白帆。 In ancient times, a king named Minos, he had a son called Theseus. King must be annually dedicated to the seven men and seven women to another country. Theseus to rescue these children, and the king agreed. When his successful return to put the black sails of the ship into a white sail. the legend of the Aegean 忒修斯成功救回那些孩子,并且成功逃脱。经过几天的航行,终于又看到祖国雅典了。忒修斯和他的伙伴兴奋异常,又唱又跳,但他忘了和父亲的约定,没有把黑帆改成白帆。 Theseus successfully rescued the children, and managed to escape. After several days of sailing, and finally to see the motherland Athens. Theseus and his partners are excited to sing and dance, but he forgot and his father agreed, and did not change the black sail to white sail. the legend of the Aegean 翘首等待儿子归来的爱琴国王在海边等待儿子的归来,当他看到归来的船挂的仍是黑帆时,以为儿子已被米诺牛吃了,他悲痛欲绝,跳海自杀了。为了纪念爱琴国王,他跳入的那片海,从此就叫爱琴海。 Eagerly waiting for the son returned from the Aegean King at the beach waiting for her sons


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