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2008 6 Jun. 2008 31 3 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Vol.31 o.3 :10072 5321(2008)08 / 0: 钟义信 ( , 100876) : , ; , ,() () ( )( ). :, ? , ,, / 0 . : ; ; ; ; : TP18 : A A Hypoth eti c Theory of Infor mat ion Cont ent Un der st an din g ZHO G Yi2xin (Research Center of Intelligence Science and Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China) Abstr act : It is accepted that human sensorshave the abilities of reflecting and recording the informa2 tion only concerning theform and quantity ofexternal stimuli, whereas theprocessof intelligent cogni2 tion and decision2making in brain should depend not only on the formal information but on thecontent and value information. A question is thusraised: whereandhow is the formal information conversed to content and valueinformation? This is oneofthekernelquestions in intelligencescience. An attempt is proposedhere to apply the comprehensive information theory to explore the secret of the conversion, thereafter propose a preliminary hypothesis on the mechanism of the conversion that may be named as the theory of information content understanding. Key words: form; content; value; goal; content understanding . Shannon 0 : , , , . , , , : . , . , ? . , . : 2008202224 : 60575034) :


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