Study types Cohort and case-control studies:研究类型的队列研究和病例对照研究.ppt

Study types Cohort and case-control studies:研究类型的队列研究和病例对照研究.ppt

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Study types Cohort and case-control studies:研究类型的队列研究和病例对照研究

Cohort study Dr K N Prasad MD., DNB Community Medicine Aim of Epidemiological studies To determine distribution of disease To examine determinants of a disease To judge whether a given exposure causes or prevents disease Epidemiological study designs Descriptive studies Populations Correlated studies Individuals E.g. case-series, case reports, cross-sectional surveys Analytical studies Observational studies Case-control studies Cohort studies Experimental studies Intervention studies after randomise exposure Clinical trials Case-control study Cohort study / Follow-up study General considerations Cohort Study Longitudinal study, Follow-up study, prospective study Definition: An analytical epidemiological study in which two or more groups of people according to the extent of exposure (e.g. exposed and unexposed) are compared with respect to outcome or disease incidence Most reliable for showing an association between a suspected risk factor and subsequent disease Features of cohort study Cohorts must be free from the disease under study Both the groups should be equally susceptible to disease under study Diagnostic and eligibility criteria of the disease must be defined beforehand Cohort study Exposed and non exposed individuals are followed over time to determine whether they experience the outcome of interest. Examples of exposure : Medication use, Environmental factors, condition, Procedure Examples of outcome: Disease. Death, etc. Cohort studies Retrospective Exposure Disease Yes ? No ? Prospective Exposure Disease Yes ? No ? Ambidirectional Timing of cohort studies Retrospective: both exposure and disease have occurred at start of study Exposure------------------------?Disease *Study starts Timing of cohort studies Prospective: exposure has (probably) occurre


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