The Old Town of Lijiang丽江古城.ppt

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The Old Town of Lijiang丽江古城

World Cultural Heritage -------The Old Town of Lijiang Location It is located in northwestern yunnan province, geographic coordinates for 100 degrees longitude , 26 degrees latitude. Town’s altitude is 2400 meters Histoty The Old Town of Lijiang is also known as Dayan Town in Lijiangba,which has 800 years’ long history. It is an intact ancient city inhabited mostly by Naxi ethnic people and covers an area of 1.5 square kilometers. The Old Town of Lijiang was first built in Southern Song Dynasty in 1253, Kublai (the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty) was stationed here on his march into the south. In Ming and Qing dynasties, it became much larger. Lijiang is world renowned as an ancient city built in a simple and artistic style and scientifically laid out. The town has a history going back more than 800 years and was once a confluence for trade along the old tea horse road.It was listed as a national historical and cultural city in 1986. Lijiang ancient city was listed to world cultural heritage in December 1997. In December, 1997 lijiang ancient city was listed as a world cultural heritage list, successfully becoming our country’s first world cultural heritage of the historical and cultural cities; In July 2003, the three rivers flow scenic spot was listed as a world natural heritage list; In August 2003, naxi dongba ancient documents was listed in the memory of the world heritage list. Comments and Reasons 世界遗产委员会评价:   古城丽江把经济和战略重地与崎岖的地势巧妙地融合在一起,真实、完美地保存和再现了古朴的风貌。古城的建筑历经无数朝代的洗礼,饱经沧桑,它融汇了各个民族的文化特色而声名远扬。丽江还拥有古老的供水系统,这一系统纵横交错、精巧独特,至今仍在有效地发挥着作用。 列入世界遗产名录的理由 丽江古城是一座具有较高综合价值和整体价值的历史文化名城,它集中体现了地方历史文化和民族风俗风情,体现了当时社会进步的本质特征。流动的城市空间、充满生命力的水系、风格统一的建筑群体、尺度适宜的居住建筑、亲切宜人的空间环境以及独具风格的民族艺术内容等,使其有别于中国其他历史文化名城。古城建设祟自然、求实效、尚率直、善兼容的可贵特质更体现特定历史条件下的城镇建筑中所特有的人类创造精神和进步意义。丽江古城是具有重要意义的少数民族传统聚居地,它的存在为人类城市建设史的研究、人类民族发展史的研究提供了宝贵资料,是珍贵的文化遗产,是中国乃至世界的瑰宝,符合加入《世界遗产名录》理由。 The old town of lijiang’s culture heritage 1.Ancient Street 古街 2.Ancient Bridge 古桥 3.MuFu


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