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朝阳区二模英语试卷分析 ——情景作文 * 第一节 情景作文(20分) 假设你是红星中学学生李华,在抗震加固改造后(renovation),今天你们回到了焕然一新的学校。请根据下列提示,给你的美国笔友Peter写信,介绍学校的新面貌。 注意: 信的开头和结尾已为你写好。 词数不少于60。 人称 时态 I, we 一般现在时 现在完成时 更方便 增加4个厕所 每层楼放置开水器 新粉刷,更明亮 新桌椅,更舒适 文化氛围更浓 更安全 更保暖 加厚10公分 学校的新面貌 开头 图画 To my great joy and surprise, our school has turned on a new look! (例文) We are happy to see the changes in our school. 2. The renovation is so great that our school is in a totally new appearance. It looks more beautiful now. 3. We have found that our school has changed a lot. Most of us appreciate this change as it provides a better studying environment. 4. Our new school changes a lot, and it really impressed me when we entered the school. 文章适当的开头 更安全 更保暖 加厚10公分 All the walls are made 10mm thicker, which can offer us a safer and warmer place to study. (例文) In order to be more stable and solid, the walls have been thickened in 10 centimeters. The thicker walls not only will be safer when facing the disaster but also make the school warmer than before. 2. The walls have been built 10cm thicker than before, which not only provide safety but also keep the classroom building warm in winter. 3. Our school is safer than before because the wall is 10 centermeters wider than before. It is not only safer but also can make our classroom warmer. 新粉刷,更明亮 新桌椅,更舒适 Walking into my classroom, I have found the walls whitewashed and old desks and chairs replaced. It looks very bright and comfortable .(例文) The walls are repainted in light colors, making the whole room brighter and cleaner. What’s more, we get new desks and chair. I’m sure it’ll be a comfortable place to study in. 2. What makes me most happy is that the desks and chairs in the classroom are wholly new a


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