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* * * * * * * * * DN肾病的形成是一个渐进的过程,早期特征性改变是肾小球、肾小管细胞肥大,肾小球毛细血管基底膜增厚,继之细胞外基质形成增多,肾小球硬化和小管间质纤维化。 * * * * Microalbuminuria is a strong predictor of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in type 2 diabetes. The impact of microalbuminuria on mortality was investigated in a 10-year follow-up study of 503 predominantly type 2 diabetic patients.1 265 of the patients died, and 58% of the deaths were caused by cardiovascular (CV) disease. Compared with patients with normal morning urinary albumin concentration (UAC ? 15 μg/min), the relative risk of death for patients with UAC between 15 and 40 μg/min and for patients with UAC between 41 and 200 μg/min were 1.53 and 2.28, respectively. Thus, the probability of survival decreased with increasing levels of UAC within the microalbuminuria range. Microalbuminuria was demonstrated to be a major CV risk factor, and even a minor increase in UAC was associated with increased mortality. A meta-analysis of prospective trials involving patients with type 2 diabetes found that microalbuminuria was associated with an increased odds ratio for all-cause mortality (2.4) and CV morbidity or mortality (2.0). The presence of microalbuminuria may reflect a generalized defect in vascular permeability leading to atherogenesis.2 1 Schmitz and Vaeth, 1988. 2 Dinneen and Gerstein, 1997. * 来看看蛋白尿分别为〈1g,1~3g和〉3g的三组患者,蛋白尿越低,其肾功能的进展越慢。 * 在芬兰,对1056名2型糖尿病患者根据基线清晨尿蛋白的值将患者分成3组,无蛋白尿(150mg/L),临界蛋白尿(150-300mg/L)和明显蛋白尿(300mg/L),并进行了为期7年的随访,结果表明:明显蛋白尿组 各种原因所导致的死亡率和心血管事件死亡率均显著高于无蛋白尿组(P 0.001), 即使对高血压和其他心血管危险因子进行校正后也是如此。 * * * * 9 40 幻灯33 I型和II型糖尿病的自然进程是相似的。在最初5年期间,即临床前的肾病阶段,肾脏发生重要的结构改变,但肾功能没有或几乎没有什么改变38。 在接着的5-10年中发生初期肾病,这时虽然肾功能改变仍然非常轻,但出现血压升高并发生微量白蛋白尿。其中许多病人处于高过滤状态38。 在第3阶段 开始出现临床蛋白尿。大多数病人为高血压。高滤过肾单位不再能够代偿肾组织的丧失,血清肌酐将会逐渐升高,反映着肾功能的丧失,这些病人将进展至ESRD。38 RENAAL研究将评价氯沙坦在NIDDM 病人肾病进展中的治疗作用。截止目前,在NIDDM 中还没有公开发表的资料来评价RAAS阻滞对肾病疾病进展至ESRD的过程中的肾保护特征。22 * * * 总体来说,糖尿病肾病是一种从功能上长期(10-15年)潜伏的疾病。它的进展分成5个阶段。在糖尿病的初始阶段,肾脏多数是增大的,处于功能亢进状态。在糖尿病肾病的第I期,肾小球