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Raw Mater?ials Q-We need some more plast?ic to make our produ?cts. Where? do we get it? 我们需要更?多塑料制造?我们的产品?。我们去哪里?买? We need to go to a plast?ic raw mater?ial compa?ny’s offic?e, or buy it onlin?e. 我们要去销?售塑料原材?料的公司购?买或在网上?购买 Q- Where? is the close?st plast?ic mater?ial compa?ny where? we can buy plast?ic chips?? 要购买塑料?芯片哪家塑?料原材料公?司最近呢? A – It is about? 30mil?es form here. Let’s buy 2 tons of it onlin?e 最近的离这?里大约三十?英里。我们网上订?购2吨吧。 Raw Mater?ials原?材料 Crude? mater?ials,compo?nent parts?, and subas?sembl?ies requi?red to bgein? the produ?ction? proce?ss.开始生产所?需要的原料?、元件和组件?。 They are the basis?它们是基础? Purch?ase采购? type of deman?d(需求类型) verti?cally? integ?rate(垂直整合) raw mater?ial price?s(原材料价格?) predi?ctabl?e(可预计) open marke?t(开放市场) short?age,price? swing?s(短缺,价格波动) Crude? mater?ials, compo?nent parts? and subas?sembl?ies are the raw mater?ials of a manuf?actur?ing or produ?ction? proce?ss. They are the basis? of the pordu?ct or servi?ce of most compa?nies,os witho?ut them there? is no busin?ess. They are purch?assed? from time to time depen?ding upon the type of deman?d for them durin?g the produ?ction? proce?ss. Some compa?nies verti?cally? integ?rate thems?elves? to sell raw mater?ials to their? own facto?ries. These? compa?nies can contr?ol their? raw mater?ial price?s more predi?ctabl?y. Other? compa?nies just buy raw mater?ials on the open marke?t and trust? there? will be on short?age or stron?g price? swing?s. 原料、元件和组件?都是制造或?生产过程中?所需的原材?料。对大数公司?而言,它们是生产?和服务的基?础,没有它们就?没有生意。在生产过程?中人们会根?据不同的需?求不定期的?进行采购。有些进行垂?直整合的公?司为自己的?工厂提供原?料。这些公司能?更有预见性?地控制们的?原材料成本?。另一些公司?从开放市场?上购买原材?料,并相信市场?上不会有短?缺或强烈价?格波动。 Quali?ty Ouron this produ?ct is the best in the marke?t(我们产品的?在(同类产品)市场中是最?好的。 Quali?ty(质量) After? sales? servi?ce(售后服务) Warra?nty( 保修) Quali?ty(质量) The durab?ility? and fitne?ss of a produ?ct to be used for a certa?in purpo?se and amoun?t of time.(在一定时间?内,为一定目的?而使用的某?产品的耐用?性和适切性?。 From the custo?mer’s point? of view, produ?ct quali?ty is one of the most impor?tant featu?res a



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