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英文名著3000 本 The Story of the Gadsby by Rudyard Kipling 1 英文名著3000 本 CONENTS Preface Poor Dear Mamma The World Without The Tents of Kedar With Any Amazement The Garden of Eden Fatima The Valley of the Shadow The Swelling of Jordan 2 英文名著3000 本 Preface To THE ADDRESS OF CAPTAIN J. MAFFLIN, Duke of Derrys (Pink) Hussars. DEAR MAFFLIN,-You will remeber that I wrote this story as an Awful Warning. None the less you have seen fit to disregard it and have followed Gadsbys example--as I betted you would. I acknowledge that you paid the money at once, but you have prejudiced the mind of Mrs. Mafflin against myself, for though I am almost the only respectable friend of your bachelor days, she has been darwaza band to me throughout the season. Further, she caused you to invite me to dinner at the Club, where you called me a wild ass of the desert, and went home at half-past ten, after discoursing for twenty minutes on the 3 英文名著3000 本 responsibilities of housekeeping. You now drive a mail- phaeton and sit under a Church of England clergyman. I am not angry, Jack. It is your kismet, as it was Gaddys, and his kismet who can avoid? Do not think that I am moved by a spirit of revenge as I write, thus publicly, that you and you alone are responsible for this book. In other and more expansive days, when you could look at a magnum without flushing and at a cheroot without turning white, you supplied m



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