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戴氏教育教师教学讲义 学员姓名: 李成、许晨 年 级:高一 来自学校:棠湖中学、玉林中学 辅导科目: 英语 教 师:陈老师 学科组长签字 课 题 高一英语必修3module2知识点复习 教学内容 at the top of 在顶部 at the bottom of在底部 in the middle of在中间 make efforts to do努力做 be connected with和。。。有关系 close to接近、靠近 die of hunger饿死 go hungry挨饿 with the development of…随着。。。的发展 take measures to do采取措施做。。。 developing countries发展中国家 developed countries发达国家 for a long period of time很长一段时间 have/receive an education接受教育 up to高达。。。 improve the environment 改善环境 drinking water饮用水 encourage...to do鼓励。。做。。。 give more help to给予更多帮助 give examples举例 in the past ten years在过去的十年 move out of poverty摆脱贫困 go to primary school上小学 get medical care享受医疗保健 in particular尤其是。。。 collect money筹款,募捐 for oneself为某人自己 be willing to do自愿做。。。 in recent years最近几年 be useful for对。。。有用 run through the town流经小城 increase …by增加了。。。 make some progress取得进步 cities of similar size and age大小差不多的城市 How do you find it? =What do you think of it? =What is your opinion about it?你认为。。。怎么样 ????both 1)????? 做主语,谓语动词用复数。 I hope that both of you will do what you can to help your mother. Both of them were men of the highest position in England. 2)作宾语或构成复合宾语 I don’t know which book is better; I shall read both. Of course, I wish both of you well. 3)作定语 Both children are good at maths. That was the trouble with both his children. 4)作同位语(作主语的同位语时要在实义动词之前,助动词、情态动词和be动词之后)。 They both refuse to give in. How cleverly you have both kept your secret.你们二人太聪明了,都保住了秘密。 You must both come over this evening. Tom’s mother and father were both dead. 5) both---and Both the mother and father were very pleased with the girl. She is well known both for her kindness and for her understanding.她以心地善良和善解人意而闻名。 6)both--- not 表示半否定。 Both of them are not interested in maths./They both are not interested in maths./They are not interested in maths both. 他们二人并不都对数学感兴趣。 Neither of them is interested in maths. (全部否定) 语言点 1.??China increased life expectan


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