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本科毕业设计(论文)题目:面向芯片封装的划片机机械结构设计院(系):机电工程学院专业:机械设计制造及自动化班级:学生:学号:指导教师:201年 0月本科毕业设计(论文)题目:面向芯片封装的划片机机械结构设计院(系):机电工程学院专业:机械设计制造及自动化班级:班学生:学号:指导教师:201年 0月面向芯片封装划片机机械结构设计摘要芯片封装是三大半导体行业之一。包装工艺包括:划线,粘膜,超声波焊接,包装,测试,包装。划片机就是芯片封装生产线上一个器件,不过这可是第一个关键器件,它的功能是将生产的晶圆加以切割,做成单元器件,并为下一个单元晶片的接合做准备。然而,因为和国外技术的差距比较大,所以中国划片机基本上都是从外国购买的。为了让中国拥有自己研发制作的划片机,详细设计了划片机机的整体规划和其中的关键部件。在阐明划线.工艺要求的基础上,我们先确定了.划片机的主要功能,设计了划片机各部分的原理。 然后,列出了四种不同的.结构方案,分别分析它们的优缺点,仔细比较后选择.其中的最优方案。 最终完成了.划片机整体规划。在下一步中,每个零件结构的初步设计都按照划线过程的要求进行,包括各轴的传输方案和相关的结构参数。 然后,根据主体的要求,对划片机的四个轴进行精心设计。 通过计算,完成.X,θ,Y,Z轴的.螺母机构的选.择类型、导轨选择。 最后,完成.划片机.X,θ,Y,Z轴的装配图。关键字:划片机;总体规划;结构设计;滚珠丝杠;步进电机;滚动直线导轨Mechanical structure design of dicing saw for chippackagingAbstractChip packaging is one of the three major semiconductor industries. Packaging processes include: scribing, mucosal, ultrasonic welding, packaging, testing, packaging. The dicing machine. is a device on the chip packaging line, but this is the first key device, its function is to produce the wafer to be cut, made of unit devices, and for the next unit chip to do the preparation. However, because the gap between foreign technology and relatively large, so the Chinese dicing machine is basically purchased from foreign countries. In order to allow China to have its own R & D production of dicing machine, detailed design of the overall planning of the dicing machine and one of the key components.On the basis of clarifying the requirements of the scribing process, we first determined the main function of the dicing machine and designed the principle of each part of the dicing machine. Then, four different structural schemes are listed, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed respectively. After careful comparison, the optimal scheme is selected. Eventually completed the overall planning of the dicing machine.In the next step, the preliminary design of each part structure is carried out according to the requirements of the scribing process, including the transmission scheme of eac


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