新视野大学英语三unit5 A课件.ppt

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新视野大学英语三unit5 A课件

association (n.) (L58) collocation Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) 国际足球联合会 a housing association 房屋协会 association of industry and commerce 工商联合会 (1) a group of people join together for a common purpose; an organization association (n.)(L58) NBA National Basketball Association (美国)全国篮球协会 National Boxing Association (美国)全国拳击协会 association (L58) in association with = together with Translation Key (2) the act of joining or working with another person or group 我们与本地一些公司联合为无家可归的人筹款. We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless. 原句:Slowly, still holding her hand, I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle, that in fact, it was a privilege she has allowed me, and I would do it again, gladly. (L. 52) 句型提炼 In the course of doing sth., sb. becomes aware / conscious or realizes that …, that in fact, … 某人在做某事的过程中渐渐地意识到······, 实际上, ······ 1. Coming to the realization of sth. sentence patterns 应用: 在与人交往的过程中,渐渐地,我意识到宽宏大度可以为你营造一个愉快的生活氛围,它事实上可以使你终生受益。 Slowly, in the course of communicating with others, I have come to realize that generosity and forgiveness can create you a pleasant climate of living, that in fact it can be of benefit to your whole life. 原句: There is swell of emotion within me for this stranger who so quickly came into and went from my life. (L. 50~51) 2) There is a swell / fit / an outburst / outbreak of … within sb. for sb. 对这个人 / 事,某人心中涌起了一种(股)······ 句型提炼 为这位迅速走进又很快走出我生活的陌生人,我心间涌起了一股感情。 sentence patterns 2. Revealing one’s feelings 应用: 对这位世上第一个横渡英吉利海峡的残疾中国人,我心中涌起一股敬佩之情。 There is a swell of esteem within me for this disabled Chinese who is the first in the world to swim across the English Channel. The method of writing the passage of Section A: 1. Structure Analysis Dominant Impression + Details A sample The party at Jane’s flat was a dismal failure. ① Jane hadn’t provided enough food,


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