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常见的希腊词根 Aut, auto Self “自己” 名词autobiography: 1. a biography of yourself 自传 词形变化: 形容词:autobiographic 副词:autobiographically 名词:autobiographer 名词复数:autobiographies Enclosed please find a resume, a photo and an autobiography.? 随函附上简历表,相片及自转各一份。 补充词: autograph n. 亲笔签名 automation n. 自动化 自动操纵 authentic a. 可靠的,真正的 automatic a. 自动的 autonomous a. 自治的,独立的 dem,demo people 人民 democratic: 1. belong to or relating to the Democratic Party 2. representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large 同义词:popular If we want to live a peaceful and democratic life, we cannot help object to war.? 如果我们要过和平与民主的生活,一定要反对战争。 democratize: [ di‘m?kr?taiz ]? ? vt. 使民主化 epidemic: [ .epidemik ]? ? among the people n. 传染病,流行病 a. 流行的,传染性的 demagogue: [ dem?g?g ]? ? an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience n. 煽动者,群众煽动者 Chron, chrono – time “时间” anachronism: something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred n. 时代错误,不合潮流的人(物) It would be an anachronism to talk of Queen Victoria watching television.? 谈到维多利亚女王看电视是时代上的错误. 形容词:anachronistic 副词:anachronistically chronology: [ kr?‘n?l?d?i ]? ? n. 年代学 chronological: [ . kr?n?‘l?d?ik?l ]? ? a. 按时间顺序的 synchronize: [ si?kr?naiz ]? ? v. 使同时,同时发生 mania madness “疯狂” 名词mania: n. 狂躁,热衷,狂热 1. an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action 同义词:passion, cacoethes 2. a mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently 同义词:manic disorder maniac: [ ‘meini?k ]? ? n. 疯子 Shes a football maniac.? 她是个足球迷. pyromania: [ pair??‘meini? ]? ? n. 纵火狂 maniacal: [ m?nai?k?l ]? ? wildly disordered 同义词:maniac a. 发狂的, 狂乱 kleptomania: [ .klept?umeini? ]? ? n. an irresistible impulse to steal in the absence of any economic motive 盗窃癖 ped Child “小孩” pedagogue: [ ped?g?g ]? ? someone who educates young people n. 教师,教育者,爱假装博学者 同义词:educator, pedagog pedagogy: [ ‘ped?g?gi ]? ? the principles and met


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