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第24 卷第 1 期 生  态  学  报 Vol. 24,No. 1 2004 年 1月 ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA Jan. , 2004 , , , , , , , , ( 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳 110016) : 探讨了在人为控制不同因子变量的条件下各景观格局指标对由中性随机模型产生的不同景观格局系列的反应, 以评价一 些常用指标的实用性和局限性。研究结果表明, 大部分指标所指示的格局特征往往是不全面的, 即它们只对格局系列中个别因 子的变化敏感, 而对另一些因子的变化反应迟钝。比较值得推荐的指标有: 总斑块数目, 平均斑块大小, 总边界密度, 分维数, 蔓 延度, 聚集度。但即使是这些指标, 也各有其局限性, 且存在冗余。由此提醒读者在运用景观格局指标时应在了解其实际意义的 基础上, 结合生态学过程慎重选择和解释, 避免陷于数字游戏。 : 景观格局;格局指标; 反应; 中性模型 The response of landscape metrics against pattern scenarios LI Xiu-Zhen, BU Ren-Cang, CHANG Yu, HU Yuan-Man, WEN Qing-Chun, WANG Xu-Gao, XU Chong- , - , -  ( Instituteof Applied Ecology, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China) . Act a Eco- Gang LI Yue Hui HE Hong Shi logica Sini ca , 2004, 24( 1) : 123~134. Abstract: Landscape metrics have been widely used to describe landscape patterns quant itatively in the last two decades. With the quick development of geographical inform ation system, more and more met rics are designed and calculated with ever in- creasing speed. Packages which can provide numerous varieties of landscape metrics, such as FRAGST ATS and APACK, make it more convenient for users to calculat e those metrics without querying about t heir ecological meaning, or even without knowing their arithmetic formulas. Therefore more and more users are using and interpreting landscape metrics arbitrarily, es- pecially in China. It is high time t o clarify if the met rics we are using so oft en can really indicate the desired pattern or not. This paper t est ed t he behavior of some landscape patt ern metrics against six pattern scenarios generat ed by neutral land- scape models, by changing one spatial parameter


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