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第二讲 英语句子的基本结构+雅思写作思维流程 三个步骤 第一步,简单汉语; 胸有成竹=有信心 望子成龙=希望孩子早日成功 第二步,简单汉语到简单英语; 有信心=be confident about; 希望孩子早日成功=to hope my child to achieve an early success. 第三步,简单英语到复杂英语; to have a well-thought-out plan before doing sth long to see one’s son win success 英语句子的基本结构 There be 一:一个事物的存在: THERE BE 汉英转换提示:在词序中THERE BE是前两个字,第三个词选择一个名词,其他所有成分作为这个名词的修饰成分。 英语句子的基本结构 There be 1)广告的本质——人们需要广告 There is a need. ? There has been a greater need for advertising than ever before. ? With the advent of mass-production and an improvement in living standards, there has been a greater need for advertising than ever before. 2)动物实验的合理性——应该监控动物实验 There should be some people to monitor such experiments. (动作的出发者或者主体作为名词可以放在BE后) There should be a body to monitor such experiments. ? Ideally, there should be a body to monitor such experiments, paid for by the companies and organizations conducting them. 英语句子的基本结构 There be 3)关于某个话题有争论--老年人六十岁时是否应该强迫退休 There is a debate. ? There has been a debate about whether old people should be forced to retire from work at the age of sixty, regardless of their own wishes. 英语句子的基本结构 主系表 二:一个事物的属性:名词+连系动词+表语 汉英转换提示:这个事物占据了名词的位置,后面是连系动词,表语表示的是属性。至 少有5种成分可以充当表语表示属性——名词、形容词、介词结构、不定式和表语从句。此外,连系动词除了BE动词以外,还有3类—— 感官类-sound,look,taste,smell,feel… 变化/不变类-become,turn,stay, remain… 确定/不确定类-seem,prove… 下面的小类根据表语和连系动词的变化分类。例句建议考生能够熟读乃至背诵,这是 写文章的基本功。 英语句子的基本结构 主系表 1. 名词+BE+名词 4)常日制学校——男女混校 Day schools are mixed gender. ? Day schools, unlike most boarding schools, are mixed gender. 英语句子的基本结构 主系表 2. 名词+BE+形容词 8)这件事让很多人不安 This is upsetting to many people. ? This is understandably upsetting to many people. 9)这件事与犯罪率增长有关 This is related. ? This is closely related to the increase of violent crimes in society. 英语句子的基本结构 主系表 10)消费者越来越依赖广告 Consumers are dependent. ? Consumers are increasingly more dependent on advertising for obtaining information about consumer goods. 11)寄宿制学校的好处--对家长……很忙的家长 Boarding schools are suitable for parents who are very busy. ? Boardi


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