深挖试题信息 简化应对策略.ppt

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深挖试题信息 简化应对策略

牵手08年高考英语的途径 以考试说明为蓝本,研究四年高考,揭示考点,复杂问题简单化。 浙江省四年高考单项填空题考项统计 复 习 策 略 主要考点的把握。 语境→意思→语法。 句与句之间的关系;问什么答什么。 举一反三式复习;归类式复习。 语法复习:先框架,后细化;抓重点,找规律;关注情景语法。 选择难度中等的练习;重练习质量与讲解,不求练习数量。 浙江省四年高考短文改错题考项统计 【后部】扫描 回归意思 上下文连贯 从意思上检查 1. So→But 2. Therefore →However 3. 去掉so 4. So→But 对近三年书面表达题的评价 情景设计真实可信,贴近当前社会实际,符合考生认知水平和生活经历,能够有效考查学生书面表达的实际水平。 对写作的要求明确,要点提示简明,给出必些的内容,有一定的控制性。 要求考生发表建议与看法,这样考题具备了一定的开放性,优秀考生有发挥余地,使考生写出的句式更具多样性,从而增强了试题的有效度与区分度。 类型与风格 乖巧型 震撼型 保守型 华丽型 罗嗦型 技巧型 思 考 书面表达是重写而不是重形式和干扰 不要过分强调写作技巧 写作教学中需要分层 不能把写作孤立起来训练 鼓励学生重视积累 克服训练中的低效和无效 利用学生资源解放自己 要令:以句为单位进行修改 分解:首部+中部+后部 修改:①以句为单位的分部扫描 ②以检查中部和后部为主 ③语法与意思的结合 ④回溯通读改动后的文本 首部状语/主语 中部 谓语群 后部宾语/定语/状语 【中部】扫描 During the World Cup in 2002, my dad stays up late just to watch his favorite sport. I hoped that you think about my request and visit us as soon as possibly. All the students on the playground cheer me on, “Come on!” 4. Starting your collection of stamps are easy because they are everywhere. 5. So once you’ve started collecting seriously, you will probably want to join in the Stamp Collectors’ Club which exist to add more stamps to your collection. 6. Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby which is both interested and fun. 7. Seeing his strong interest in this game of 22 men run after a ball, I decided to sit down to watch the game. 8. I found the game excited, and my dad explained for the rules. 9. I’m writing to ask you come to our class for a visit. 10. At first I was not quite willing to sit down and watched the 90-minute football match. And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of your own and discover an interest which can even last lifetime. 2. Holiday and birthday postcards from relatives and letters from friends can all provide you for stamps from all over the world. 3. Usually I just checked the results because I thought that was dull to watch a game in which players


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