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第一章 长难句语法分类总结 第一节 英语的基本句型 掌握句子的基本句型有助于了解句子的基本结构,便于进行句子分析,尤其是对于那些比较复杂的长难句。 一、主+系+表( SVP) 此句型结构中谓语动词是系动词,后接表语,构成系表结构,常用系动词有:be,become,look,seem,appear,get,feel,grow,turn,remaln,come(变得),fall(变得),hold,keep,stand,stay(保持),smell,sound,taste,etc. 如: I felt bored to death because I could make nothing of the chairmans speech.我简直烦透了,因为我一点也听不懂主席的讲演。 The public opinion was that the time was not ripe for the election of such a radical candidate as Mr.Jones.公众舆论认为选举像琼斯这样激进的候选人的时机尚未成熟。 二、主+谓(不及物动词)( SV) From a financial stand-point alone,safety pays off.仅从财政的角度看,安全就大有裨益。 His efforts to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties came off.他为促成双方和解而付出的努力取得了成功。 三、主+谓(及物动词)+宾( SVO) Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will drag down the economy.无人知晓这次金融体系的动荡会在多长时间内,多大程度上使经济濒临崩溃的边缘。 The teacher corrected his poor spelling more than once.(不止一次) 四、主+谓(及物动词)+间接宾语(指人)+直接宾语(指物)( SVOO) Prof. Lees book will show you how what you have observed can be used in other contexts. 李教授的书会告诉你,你所观察到的可以如何用在其他语境中。 五、主+谓(及物动词)+宾+补足语( SVOC) 宾语补足语可由名词、形容词、动词不定式、分词或介词短语充当: Crisis would be the right term to describe the decline in many animal species。许多动物种类日渐减少,用危机一词来描述再恰当不过了。 I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a suspicious character.我从不相信他,因为我总认为他是那种不可靠的人。 另外:there be句型中,there为引导词,be为谓语,be后面为主语,所以there be句型属于主+谓 这一句子类型: There is anlncorrect assumption among scientists and medical people that everyone agrees on what constitutes a benefit to an individual.科学家和医务人员中普遍存在一种不正确的观点,即人们在对福利问题上都持一致的观点。 第二节按照句子用途分类 英语句子按照用途可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。 一、陈述句( Declarative sentence) 叙述一个事实的句子称之为陈述句,可以是肯定句,也可以是否定句: The capital intended to broaden the export base and secure efficiency gains from international trade was channelled instead of uneconomic import substitution.本来用于扩大出口基地从而获得国际贸易效益的资金却用到了非经济进口贸易中去。 Im not compatible with my roommate but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere


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