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毕 业 设 计 [论 文] 题 目: 基于Android的手机卫士开发 学 院: 计算机科学与工程学院 专 业: 信息管理与信息系统 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 2014年5月26日 基于Android平台的手机卫士开发 摘要 随着通讯行业的迅猛发展,我国的手机用户也在不断的增加。据信息部的统计数据显示,我国已有接近7.4亿手机用户。随着手机群体的日益壮大,手机的失窃、遗失,隐私泄露等现象也变得日渐寻常,因此给用户带来诸多不便,甚至衍生纠纷。通过对市场进行大量的调查结合我们的专业知识,基于现在最热门的智能手机操作系统(Android)开发一款手机卫士,赋予它手机防盗和隐私保护等功能已变得很有必要。 本设计针对智能手机用户日常使用的实际情况,对用户手机的日常功能需求进行调查,确定了所包含的功能和框架。本设计采用软件工程中结构化思想,采用标准的软件设计流程,从可行性研究、需求分析、系统设计以及系统实现和测试等步骤来开发手机卫士系统,采用Android开发平台,将系统分为九大模块,覆盖了商业市场中手机卫士应具有的各种功能,实现了手机防盗,短信拦截,电话拦截,恶意软件卸载,流量监控,隐私保护等种种功能,具有很强的实用性。 【关键词】 Android,手机卫士,隐私保护,手机防盗 Abstract With the rapid development of telecommunications industry, Chinas mobile phone users are also in the constant increase. According to the statistical data of the Ministry of information display, our country nearly 740000000 mobile phone users. With the population growing mobile phone, mobile phone stolen, lost, privacy leakage phenomenon has become increasingly common, so give the user to bring a lot of inconvenience, and even derivative dispute. With our professional knowledge through extensive investigation to the market, it is now the most popular intelligent mobile phone operating system (Android) based on the development of a mobile phone guardian, giving it a mobile phone anti-theft and privacy protection function has become very necessary. The actual situation of the design for the intelligent mobile phone users daily use, daily function demand for mobile phone users were investigated, to determine the function and framework contains. This design uses a structured software engineering idea, the software design process using standard steps, from feasibility study, demand analysis, system design and system implementation and testing to develop mobile phone guardian syste


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