阅读与表达课件 马丹.ppt

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Classify words 1.What does the writer use the computer to do? 1.What does the writer use the computer to do? 2. Why does the writer never go to the library to do research? 3. What’s the writer’s opinion about using a computer? 做作业 do schoolwork 写报告 write reports 编辑作业 edit homework 复习 make revisions 检查拼写 check spelling 做调查 do research 查找信息 find the information 使…简单 make everything simple 用网上字典 use online dictionaries 节约时间 save time 网上听音乐 看新闻 玩电脑游戏 看电影 查找生词 在网上购物 下载文件 发送邮件 和朋友聊天 帮助学习 连 接 词 并列:and, besides, what’s more, in addition 原因:because, for, since, 转折:but, however, although 时间:when, after, before, then 结果:so, therefore, so… that 目的:in order to, so that +从句 连接词练习 1. I never go to the library to do research It takes too much time 2. I tried Google. I found an article easily. 3. I have no spelling mistakes. The computer has spelling check. 4. I enjoy playing computer games. My parents get worried. 评 价 标 准 1. 文章完整,可读(1分) 2. 句子结构完整、正确(1分) 3. 适当使用连词(1分) 4. 句式长短搭配(1分) 5. 适当增加细节(1分) Homework 1. Recite the phrases 2. Rewrite the passage 会 考 题 型 阅读与书面表达 马 丹 Do you have a computer? Brainstorming What do you do with your computer? What else can we do with the computer? v.动词 copy 复制 rewrite 重写 save 保存 research 调查 edit 编辑 collect 收集 chat 聊天 prefer 更喜欢 affect 影响 attract 吸引 Classify words n.名词 friendship 友谊 dictionary 字典 assignment 任务,作业 information 信息 knowledge 知识 project 项目 Classify words adj.形容词 online 在线的 simple 简单的 学习目标 1. 通过阅读掌握文章主旨大意 和基本细节。 2.能够准确回答有关问题。 3.能根据所学要点写出自己的 作文。 Read and match The computer saves my time. The computer helps with schoolwork. The computer can be used for English class.



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