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基于FPGA的八路彩灯 控制系统设计 学院: 通信与电子工程学院 班级: 电子111 姓名: 唐志华 学号: 2011131018 指导老师: 朱磊 日期: 2014年12月17日 摘 要 人类社会已进入到高度发达的信息化社会,信息化社会的发展离不开电子信息产品开发技术、产品品质的提高和进步,电子信息产品随着科学技术的进步,其电子器件和设计方法更新换代的速度日新月异,实现这种进步的主要原因就是电子设计技术和电子制造技术的发展,其核心就是电子设计自动化(Electronics?Design?Automation)技术,EDA技术的发展和推广应用又极大地推动了电子信息产业的发展。为保证电子系统设计的速度和质量,适应“第一时间推出产品”的设计要求,EDA技术正逐渐成为不可缺少的一项先进技术和重要工具。目前,在国内电子技术教学和产业界的技术推广中已形成“EDA热”,完全可以说,掌握EDA技术是电子信息类专业学生、工程技术人员所必备的基本能力和技能。? EDA技术在电子系统设计领域越来越普及,本设计主要利用VHDL语言在EDA平台上设计一个电子数字钟,它的计时为24小时小时制,显示满刻度为23时59分59秒,另外还具有校时功能和闹钟功能。总的程序由几个各具不同功能的单元模块程序拼接而成,其中包括分频程序模块、时分秒计数和校时程序模块、数据选择器程序模块、显示程序模块。并且使用QUARTUS ?II软件进行电路波形仿真。 关键词:数字钟; EDA; VHDL语言 Abstract The human society has entered the information society is highly developed, the development of the information society cannot do without the electronic information product development, improve the quality of the products and the progress, the electronic information products with the progress of science and technology, the electronic devices and the design method of the update speed of development change rapidly, realize the main reason for this improvement is the electronic design technology and electronic manufacturing technology, the core of which is the electronic design automation (Electronics Design Automation) technology, EDA technology development and application has greatly promoted the development of electronic information industry. In order to ensure the quality and speed of electronic system design, the first time meet design requirements to launch products, EDA technology has become an indispensable and important tool for advanced technology. At present, the technology of domestic electronic technology teaching and industry has formed EDA hot, can say, master EDA technology is necessary for electronic information majors, engineering and technical personnel of the basic abilities and skill



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