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agency theory代理理论粗略翻译精选

Agency theory has been used by scholars in accounting, economics, finance, marketing, political science, organizational behavior, and sociology. Yet, it is still surrounded by controversy. Its proponents argue that a revolution is at hand and that the foundation for a powerful theory of organizations is being put into place. Its detractors call it trivial, dehumanizing, and even dangerous. 代理理论已被学者用于在会计,经济,金融,市场营销学,政治学,组织行为学和社会学。然而,它仍然被争议包围。它的支持者争辩说,革命就在眼前,而且“一个强大的组织理论的基础正在落实到位”(詹森,1983年,第324页)。它的批评者称之为琐碎,非人性化,甚至是“危险的”。 Which is it: grand theory or great sham? The purposes of this paper are to describe agency theory and to indicate ways in which organizational researchers can use its insights. The paper is organized around four questions that are germane to organizational research. The first asks the deceptively simple question, What is agency theory? Often, the technical style, mathematics, and tautological reasoning of the agency literature can obscure the theory. Moreover, the agency literature is split into two camps (Jensen, 1983), leading to differences in interpretation. For example, Barney and Ouchi (1986) argued that agency theory emphasizes how capital markets can affect the firm, whereas other authors made no reference to capital markets at all (Anderson, 1985; Demski Feltham, 1978; Eccles, 1985; Eisenhardt, 1985). 这是它:宏大理论或大假?本文的目的是描述代理理论,并指出如何使组织的研究人员可以使用它的见解。本文是围绕四个问题是有密切关系的组织研究。第一问的看似简单的问题,什么是代理理论?通常情况下,技术风格,数学和文学社的同义反复的推理可以掩盖的理论。此外,该机构的文献被分为两大阵营(詹森,1983),从而导致不同解释。例如,Barney和大内(1986)认为,代理理论强调怎样的资本市场能够影响企业,而其他作者所有(安德森,1985未提及资本市场; Demski&费尔塔姆,1978;埃克尔斯,1985;艾森哈特, 1985)。 The second question is, What does agency theory contribute to organizational theory? Proponents such as Ross (1973, p. 134) argued that examples of agency are universal. Yet other scholars such as Perrow (1986) claimed that agency theory addresses no clear problems, and Hirsch and Friedman (1986) called it excessively narrow, focusing only on stock price. For economists, long accustomed


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