Wind Integration Impacts-Results of Detailed Simulation Studies and Operational Practice in the US For NPPD At the NWTC英文课件.ppt

Wind Integration Impacts-Results of Detailed Simulation Studies and Operational Practice in the US For NPPD At the NWTC英文课件.ppt

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* * * * * * Westconnect VCA study incorporated into this * Based on the stakeholder meeting, we have widened the study footprint to include most of WestConnect. * Schedule will be finalized once GE subcontract is awarded! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * With Battelle-Northwest Looked at day ahead and hour ahead scheduling, realtime dispatch and regulation process New mkt design (Hour-ahead load and wind generation forecasts provided no less than 120 min before beginning of next operating hour; and Real time 5 min load forecasts provided 7.5 min before beginning of 5 min dispatch interval) Used AWS/Truewind data * * * * * * Source: CEC/GE CAISO Renewable Integration Study Operational study Examine ramps in detail Determine ramping requirements due to load following and regulation Examine over-generation issues Conclusions - 20% RPS is manageable New market design mitigates current challenges Important to integrate improved wind forecasting with dispatch procedures Operational implications significant but manageable Pacific Northwest Initiated Wind Integration Action Plan Intent: Develop a coordinated effort to integrate expected wind Large stakeholder effort to examine wind; action items developed Wind mesomodel dataset completed ACE diversity Dynamic load following service BPA wind integration rate Studies in the Northwest Studies were not subject to rigorous peer review and may still contain errors Avista Utilities: Up to 30% wind penetration (peak) Idaho Power: Up to about 30% wind penetration (peak) Settlement proposed, but not finalized ($6.50/MWh) BPA: analytical work in progress; integration cost is consistent with others Northwest Wind Integration Action Plan: /energy/Wind/Default.asp Insights from Other Recent Studies New York ISO and NYSERDA/ GE Energy Study /publications/wind_integration_report.pdf Wind Forecasting is Valuable 2008 scenario of 3300 MW of wind in 33-GW peak load system Day-ahead unit-commitme


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