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第 26 卷第 12 期 煤 炭 技 术 Vol26 ,No12
2007 年 12 月 Coal Technology Dec ,2007
(辽源矿业集团公司 , 吉林 辽源 136201)
摘 要 :矿井大型水泵 、绞车 、风泵等高压电机的检修 , 因工期太长影响生产 。介绍一种在检修中采用电机定子绕
组线圈单元件脉冲感应冲击法探测匝间的试验设备 。该设备能够快速检测出电机线圈匝间故障 ,能准确完好地提
高检修质量 ,降低检测时间 ,完善检修工艺 ,给电机的快速修理和稳定运行提供有利的保证 。使用结果表明:该设
备能够迅速检验出线圈匝间的故障 ,检测结果的精确度达到 100 % 。
关键词 :检测设备 ; 绝缘测试 ; 绕组 ; 匝间
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中图分类号 :TM3 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1008 - 8725 2007 12 - 0042 - 03
Development and Application of Turn - to - turn Test Instrument of
High Tension Motor
XUE Yong - wei
(Liaoyuan Mining Industry Group Comp . , Liaoyuan 136201 , China)
Abstract :Examining and repairing high tension motors used in the water pump ,wind pump and winch in mines
always influence production . Introduces a test instrument which examines the winding of electromotor stator ,
impact of inductive pulse is the principle that the instrument adopts. It is able to quickly check the turn - to -
turn faults of the circle , increase the repairing quality , reduce the measuring time ,and improve the test craft .
It also insure rapid repairing motor . Testing results showed that the testing instrument could quickly identify
failure , the precision of result reached 100 %.
Key words :test instrument ; insulation test ; winding ; turn - to - turn
的损坏率较高 ,每年要有几 10 台高压电机损坏需要修理 ;但
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