同课异构课件 unit5.ppt

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同课异构课件 unit5

1. 背诵3a中的短文。 2. 整理一下自己课堂上所写的 邀请信及答复信,进行修 改,然后写在作业本上。 What do you usually do on weekends? I usually help my parents. * Ask students to talk about their life in ten years. E.g. I’ll be an engineer. I’ll go to Sydney on vacation. 7. Who will come to the party? ________________________________ 8. What activities will there be at the party? ________________________________ ________________________________ 9. How can you make the party a surprise for your teacher? ________________________________ ________________________________ All the students in our class. Singing, dancing, playing the guitar, playing the violin, cross talking… We are going to bring her to the party without telling her. 1. Read the passage after class. 2. Write your own sentences with the phrases below. 1. bring … to … 2. take a trip 3. think of 4. without doing … 5. so that 6. look forward to 7. surprised 8. hear from 教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1) 掌握下列生词: daytime, concert, headmaster, event, guest, calendar 2) 复习邀请信的表达方式,阅读相关邀 请信并能获得相关信息,回答相关问题。 3)能够综合运用所掌握的知识并根据相关 提示来完成写一个简单的邀请信的任务。 4) 通过写一个邀请信及答复伙伴的邀请信, 达到综合运用所学知识的目的。 5)复习本单元所学的重难点内容, 及时巩固提高。 1. 后天 _______________________ 2. 前天 _______________________ 4. 照看;照顾 __________ 5. 去旅行 ___________________ Let’s review the phrases. the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday look after take a trip 6. 带……去…… ________________ 7. 乐意做某事 ________________ 8. 以便于;以至于 _____________ 9. 盼望;期待 _________________ be glad to do sth. so that bring … to … look forward to … Ms. Steen is a fun teacher. She’s going back to the US soon. So, all the students are very ____. To show how much they’re going to ____ her, David wants to have a _______ ____ for her next Friday the 28th. He needs some students to help him ________ the party. Fill in the blanks with the right words. sad miss surprise prepare party He Wei really likes


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