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* 矛盾修辞( oxymoron)的理解: painful pleasure ?痛苦的喜悦 ? 改: 悲喜交集 laborious idleness ?辛苦的闲散 ? 改:令人烦腻的闲散 cruel kindness ? 残忍的仁慈 ? 改: 害人不浅的仁慈 * He bought a picture of the house which many people thought to be a replica(复制品). He bought a picture of the house which many people thought to be the former apartment of Longfellow. 他买了一张那房子的画,许多人认为那张画是件复制品。 他买了一张那房子的画,许多人认为那 房子是朗费罗先前的住所。 * 理顺逻辑关系 (长途汽车乘客):Could you tell me when we get to Birmingham, please? (ask the driver what time we get to Birmingham ) (司机): Don’t worry , love, it’s a big place – I don’t think it’s possible to miss it! * 注意原文逻辑关系: You can use headings in letters if this aids communication. 如果使用字母表示标题有助于交流,你可以这样做。 (疑问:逻辑上看这不是废话吗???) (思考:letters 除了指标题,还可能指别的意思吗?) 只要有助于交流,你在书信里也可以使用标题。 * 注意逻辑推理: 在 A Tale of Two Cities里有一句话: When I and my sorrows are dust,… 有人译:当我和我的忧愁都化作烟尘时,… 等到我的尸骨化为灰烬,我的悲哀也随风散去时,… She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. 她为这个无家可归的孩子打开了大门,也敞开了自己的心扉。 * 一段看起来荒谬的文字: On my way to town, I met a farmer, who was talking with a girl, who carried a basket on her arm, which contained some eggs, which she was taking to her grandmother, who lived by an orchard, which adjoined the road, which led to the town, which was founded in 1640 by settlers from England, who fled from the persecution of Archbishop Land. * 5、 了解背景知识 在很多情况下,由于译者缺乏相关的背景知识,包括一定的专业知识,因而无法确切地理解原文中的某些词语,致使译文令读者不知所云。 * II. 流畅表达 (Fluency in Expressing) 表达阶段就是译者把自己从原文所理解的内容用本族语言重新表达出来。表达的好坏主要决定于对原文理解的深度以及对译文语言的修养程度。 * One word with multiple equivalents of the same meaning in the target language (原文中的某个词语在译文当中有多种对应的词语) wife:  妻子、爱人、夫人、太太、老婆、老伴、媳妇、堂客、内人、贱内、拙荆 potato: 马铃薯、洋芋、土豆、山药蛋 人:  human being, man, people, person, human, fellow, individual, soul 犬:  dog, hound, spaniel, mastiff, pointer, setter, retriever, terrier * 译文表达要符合习惯: Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations to me on the award of the Who’s Who honor. 1. 感谢你的转达


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