Fourteen Mountain Summits:The Dreams and Glory of .docVIP

Fourteen Mountain Summits:The Dreams and Glory of .doc

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Fourteen Mountain Summits:The Dreams and Glory of        The five-star red flag is waving over the snow-covered land of Mt.Gashurbrum I.      It is twenty past twelve noon on July 12th, 2007. It is an historical and monumental moment for the Chinese mountaineers who have successfully reached the last of the fourteen mountain summits at more than 8000 metres above sea level. The key mountaineers, Tsering Dorje, Penpa Tashi and Luodro, are standing on Mt.Gashurbrum I (8068 meters above sea level), and displaying the five-star red flag while bursting into tears. To reach the last of the fourteen worlds highest mountain summits is a triumphant moment.      These mountaineers took a total of fourteen years of struggle at Mts. Himalaya and Mts. Karakoram in pursuit of todays success.      As the first mountaineering team to challenge the fourteen worlds highest mountain summits, these Chinese mountaineers have finally realized their dream. They are all ethnic Tibetans and have gone through hardship and dangers over the years; some of them have even contributed their lives to the realization of the project. Finally, three of them have accomplished it and set a marvelous record in world mountaineering that is unprecedented.      At 22 minutes past nine(Beijing time is 20 past 12 noon) on July 12th ,having climbed for 11 hours,the key Tibetan mountaineers reached to the summit of Mt.Gashurbrum 1.After 40 minutes, they retreated.From left to right,they art Tsering Dorje,Penpa Tashi,and Luodro.      The Ultimate Sacrifice      Haston, the world famous mountaineer, said: When you reach a certain altitude, difficulties will quickly arise; it is the moment you must be prepared for. If you have the capacity, you will surely survive; otherwise, you will be taken away by Nature.      The Tibetan mountaineers were profoundly experienced Hastons words during 2002. July 21st was the pivotal day to head to the mountain summit. Passing through the second barrier of Mt. Ch


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