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·45 ·                      2 007    12 张 传 勇 ( , 300071) [ ] ;;; [  ] 。 , , 。 , , , , ;, “ ”, , 。 [ ] K248;B933 [ ] A [ ] 0583-0214(2007)12-0045-07 A Study on General City-God Temple ZHANG Chuan-yong (H ist ory Col lege, N ank ai Uni v er sity , Ti anj i n 300071, China) Keywords:general city-god te ple;general city god;general city god of the I perial Capital;general city god of the world Ab stract:Location of the general city-god te ples in Ming and Qing Dynasties is especially co plex.The city-god te - ple of the Capital recorded in Sacrificial Books of Ming Dynasty is the earliest general city-god te plethat has ever been seen in different resources.In addition, al ost all the settle ents of different levels have general city-god te ples. This situation ainly originates fro the evolution of the general city god itself.To begin with, city god of the I peri- al Capital, evolving fro general city god, is the official for at of the latter.But general city-god is not indispensable to associating with the Capital.Further ore, jurisdiction of general city-god is not to the whole country.It ay be a province, or even a s aller do ain.   , , , , 。 , , ——— : 。   , , , , 。 , , , , , 。 , ;, 。 , 。 , 。 。 ,   , , , 。 , 。 ,


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