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藏族婚礼藏族婚礼The night before weddingThe night before wedding, the bride’s family will hold a farewell ceremony(告别仪式).All the relatives will come to se off the bride.The night before weddingBoth sides of the family will gather more than ten young men and women respectively, sitting together and lit the bonfire.嫁娶双方各自门口会聚集十几位男女青年围坐在一起并点起篝火.On the wedding dayAccording to the exact time that have been divinated(占卜), the relatives will hold the bride walking out the door slowly. One of them will take the colorful arrow and a milking bucket(彩箭和挤奶桶)in one hand, and a leg of the lamb(羊脚) in another. It is said that the one who get married will cost a lot, so this ceremony is quite necessary.On the wedding dayColorful arrow(彩箭)On the wedding dayA leg of the lamb挤奶桶On the wedding dayBefore the arrival of the bride, the groom will decorate the door and set up a white rock and a black rock on each side of the door respectively. Meanwhile, he will prepare a cushion for the bride, which contains green naked, wheat and salt in it. 娶方在新人到达之前,装扮大门,并在大门两侧分别立黑自两种颜色的大石头,同时还要为新娘下马准备好垫子。这种垫子里面装有青裸、小麦及盐巴。On the wedding day送亲人一到大门口,其中一位拿出一条哈达献给门右边立的白石头,并大声作歌道:  翁萨地!愿吉祥!  这坚固的白神石,  是天界神主所立,  是天地稳固之柱,  是地球不震之杵。  祭祀你们啊!  三十九尊域拉神和九十九尊颇拉神,  愿赐福于我们。  送亲人再赶到左边的黑石头前,作歌道:  翁萨地!愿吉祥!  是否你不认得我,  我乃罗布占堆也(/zt2009/09alcsgsr/index.html格萨尔王之别名),  征得十地之佛子,  三大怙主之化身,  乌坚林巴派我来,  黑魔一定要粉碎。 说完送亲人把黑石头踩倒在地上On the wedding dayThen the official ceremony will begin, ?the bride and groom will sit on the MATS cross-legged. 此后开始举行正式典礼,新郎和新娘盘腿就坐于符卡垫上。On the wedding dayAfter the prologue(开场白),the couple will hold a white hada, reciting a word in the face of the niche for Buddha, then give the hada to the niche.开场白过后,新人手持洁白哈达,首先面对佛龛念诵一段赞颂词后,将哈达献在佛龛前面。On the wedding dayAfter that, the guests begin to send gifts to the new couple and their parents, as well as to other family members of the groom. The gift vary from wine, ghee(酥油), wheat (小麦)and cash(礼金) according to the condition of different family. Besides, they should give h


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