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4. To enhance the ability of fight against risk 5.To create a stable economic environment Foreign exchange reserves Financial security Country’s overall National strength Payment InInternational Trade grow Exports ---------------- In order to avoid foreign debt crisis, our country must hold enough reserves to pay off debt in time. Negative Influence Lead to Pressure of RMB Appreciation Lead to Domestic Inflation Bring troubles to the Operations of the Central Banks Monetary Policy Lost the Concessional Lending From the International Monetary Fund (IMf) Lead to Pressure of RMB Appreciation Chinas trade surplus leads to huge trade deficits in relative states that have biateral trade with China. In order to reduce their trade deficits, these states must unite to force the Yuan to rise to curb Chinas exports . Lead to Domestic Inflation 近日,国务院总理李克强在非洲访问期间表示:“我这里也坦率地说,比较多的外汇储备已经是我们很大的负担,因为它要变成本国的基础货币,会影响通货膨胀。” There is imbalance of paments surplus in China. Chinas foreign exchange reserves mainly lie in dollars and euros, the devaluation of euro and the dollar decreases the total value of Chinas foreign exchange reserves and brings greater inflation pressure to China. Bring troubles to the Operations of the Central Banks Monetary Policy For keeping inflation to be under control, the CB will adopt a tight monetary policy and higher interest rates, which will cause a substantial capital inflows. Make a dilemma between RMB exchange rate and controlling inflation, and bring troubles to the operations of the CBs monetary policy. Lost the Concessional Lending From IMF Countries with high foreign exchange reserves will not be able to enjoy offers with low interest loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMf). Ways to Cope with the Huge Foreign Exchange Reserves First :Hedging Definition: Hedging refers to traders through spot foreign exchange t


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