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A poll was carried out recently among approximately 10,000 college students about their
views on politics . The result was far from pleasant : in the eyes of most students, politicians are
polluting the country with their empty promises and lies, and they are pessimistic about the
prospect of the country in the short term. Some students say the so-called public servants have
practically become a group of political animals in pursuit of permanent privileges and maximal
personal profits . Unlike their predecessors , today’s officials no longer pay attention to the
sufferings of the poor , let alone the principle of “serving the people ”, which has presumably
become a way of preaching or a philosophy of the pitifu l fools. One cannot draw a parallel
between their performance in public and that in private , because you can hardly perceive how
these two paradoxical roles are peculiarly packaged onto one person.
Officials are patiently present at all kinds of meetings, carefully polish the phrases in their
speeches and deliver them as if reading poetry , actually poisoning the perplexed audience. It has
become a pattern for them to form a procession to visit the poor old people on the eve of Spring
Festival. This is then propagandized via TV and the press , profoundly prompting the
enhancement of their prestige and profiles . Thispractice , refined byprofessional proficiency , has
been quite effective in constructing a positive public image and helpful to their promotion .
Therefore it is no wonder why it is very prevalent . But students cannot help pondering on
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