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目 录 1 绪论及开发环境介绍 1 1.1项目背景 1 1.2 JDK的安装和配置 1 1.3 JMF介绍以及安装和配置 3 1.4 Java程序开发环境 3 2 JAVA音频处理基础 4 3 多媒体播放器的设计 5 3.1 需求分析 5 3.2 程序源代码文件说明以及设计图 5 3.3 系统设计优势分析 7 3.4 核心代码分析 7 3.5 运行界面截图 20 结束语 20 致 谢 21 参考文献 22 Java多媒体技术应用 MP3播放器开发 摘要:多媒体技术在近几年得到了飞速的发展,加之计算机硬件性能日益改善,软件设计逐渐开始打破硬件限制,各种应用程序都开始采用多媒体技术,实现应用程序的人性化,使得人机交互更为简单,便捷。一个能发出美妙的音乐,并且能播放有趣的动画,还可能通过声音识别执行用户的指令的软件无疑更受人们欢迎,更容易给人留下深刻的印象,而多媒体技术很容易就能让这一切实现。多媒体具有形象直观的特点并且能够承载和传递丰富的信息,因此而受到广大用户的欢迎。多媒体编程技术已经走向成熟并且已成为现在编程技术的一个热点。它的发展正在悄无声息的改变着计算机的使用领域,从只有办公室、实验室中的才配有的专用品变成了信息社会的普通的潮流工具,广泛的应用于工业生产管理、学校教育单位、公共信息咨询平台、商业广告平台、军事指挥与训练基地,甚至于深入到了家庭生活与娱乐等领域。此文开发的这个播放器主要实现了三部分的要求:第一,简单的播放功能,比如播放,暂停,停止,上一首,下一首等;第二,播放列表功能,比如添加歌曲,删除歌曲,双击播放歌曲等;第三,界面美化。 关键词:多媒体技术 Java Mp3播放器 Abstract:the technology of multimedia has rapidly developed in these years, at the same time, performance of computer hardware has been improved day by day. Software design gradually break the limitation of hardware. All kinds of applications started to adopt multimedia technology so that the software designed is more reasonable and more easier interactive. Software which is able to play nice music and beautiful animation or may do what the people tell to do by the microphone will definitely more popular and more deeply impressed. Multimedia is popular because of its features of visualization and direct viewing. Multimedia programming technology has been becoming mature and now it becomes the focus of modem programming technology. Its development is gradually changing the territory of the use of computer. Instead of only used in office and laboratory as a special product, the multimedia has become the common and popular tools in information age which is extensively used to the management of manufacturing production, School and Education, public information consultation, business and advertisements and military command with training, even penetrate deeply into family life and entertainment. My designed mp3 player implements 3 main functions: firstly,


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