Web services ….ppt

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Web services …

Technological advances since 2000 Miruna B?descu Finsiel Romania XHTML eXtensible HyperText Markup Language What is it? HTML4 is regarded as the standard publishing language on the Web SGML application conform with the ISO 8879 standard Defines a set of structural and semantic tags for authoring Web documents XML is also a SGML implementation Conceived to standardize the data transfer Handles semantics, not structure XHTML is a family of document types that reproduce and extend HTML4 and are XML-based Design to work with XML-based user agents Why use it? XHTML documents are XML conforming = can be validated using XML tools Can utilize applications (e.g. scripts and applets) that rely on either the: HTML Document Object Model XML Document Object Model Can be used toghether with other namespaces (e.g. MathML) Easier to interoperate Alternate ways of accessing the Internet are constantly being introduced New XHTML-compliant user agents are built to benefit from new and existing features Making XHTML compatible documents (1) Must have a DOCTYPE declaration prior to the Root element XHTML 1.0 XHTML 1.1 Making XHTML compatible documents (2) Can have an XML declaration when the character encoding is other that the default UTF-8 or UTF-16 The root element must be html XHTML 1.0: XHTML 1.1: Making XHTML compatible documents (3) When a user agent processes an XHTML document, it will recognize only attributes of type ID (i.e. id instead of name) as fragment identifier If an element is not recognized, the element’s content must be processed If an attribute is not recognized, it is ignored If an attribute’s value is not recognized, the default value is used Differences with HTML4 (1) The document must be well-formed: no nested tags Correct: phere is a emparagraph/em./p Incorrect: phere is a emparagraph/p/em. Elements and attributes must be in lowercase (XML is case sensitive) Correct: ul Incorrect: UL Differences with HTML4 (2) End tags are required for


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