Web Server Basics ClientServer Basics – model for distributed.ppt

Web Server Basics ClientServer Basics – model for distributed.ppt

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Web Server Basics ClientServer Basics – model for distributed

Features of the Internet WWW WWW uses the Internet to connect clients and servers using the HTTP protocol. The WWW is built on top of the Internet. The Internet has no central control. The Internet is a large WAN composed of backbones connecting privately-owned LANs Backbones are high-speed networks WANs are typically shared, public networks LANs span a small geographic area Core Web Technologies HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) allows web browsers to communicate with web servers Simple protocol to format a browser request and the server response HyperText Markup Language (HTML) – encoding language used to create multimedia documents rendered by web browsers Uniform Resource Locators (URL)– the address system for specifying the location of web documents First part of the URL indicates protocol to use (e.g. http://) Second part specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located, (e.g. ) Last part specifies name of resource being requested including an optional path (optional) (e.g. /CIS/index.html) Web Documents Web “documents” are composed of various media types ASCII Text Files – includes HTML files that contain pointers (hyperlinks) to other documents Binary Files – Images – Audio – Video – Apps MIME – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions rules allowing multimedia documents to be exchanged among different computer systems Uses 7 media types (application, audio, image, message, multipart, text and video) high level description of type of data. Uses subtypes to further describe data (ex. HTML is text media type, html is subtype so MIME is text/html. Plain text MIME: text/plain, image: image/gif) Web Client/Server Basics Client/Server is a model for distributed applications. Server allows clients to access current data and to be geographically dispersed. server – large computer capable of providing services to clients such as Web, FTP, email daemon – a system process running in the background on the server such as print, email,


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