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如何激发儿童学习钢琴的兴趣 摘要:随着社会的不断发展,科学的不断进步,对儿童的要求也越来越高,目前很多学校除了开设各类文化课外,还开设了像钢琴等课程,虽然有的学校还没有开设。但是一些孩子的家长会在课外带着孩子去各类的培训班。这些做法都是为了使孩子多方面发展。那么如何激发儿童学习钢琴的兴趣对于老师和家长都是一大难题,儿童往往会逃避学习,这是孩时的天性,学习钢琴是提高音乐素质的很好方法,因此不要为了让孩子只学习技巧而忽视了培养孩子学习兴趣。以下就介绍了有关于对如何激发学习钢琴兴趣的一些办法 关键词 : 激发 儿童 学习钢琴 兴趣 How to arouse childrens interest in learning the piano Abstract: with the continuous development of society, the scientific progress, also more and more high, to childrens needs at present a lot of schools in addition to the varieties of culture outside, also opened the course such as piano, although some schools has not been opened. But some of the children of parents take their children to all kinds of training out of class. These practices are designed to make the child development in many aspects. So how to stimulate childrens interest in learning piano is a big problem for teachers and parents, children tend to avoid learning, this is when the childs nature, learning piano is to improve the quality of the music is very good method, so not to let the child study skills but ignore the cultivate their learning interest. The following is introduced about some solution on how to stimulate interest in learning to play the piano。 Keywords: arouse childrens interest in learning piano 摘要……………………………………………………………………1 引言……………………………………………………………………4 一、儿童对学习钢琴缺乏兴趣的原因………………………………5 1、儿童心理发育尚不成熟,缺乏意志力与责任感…………………5 1.1 怎样应对儿童爱玩的天性………………………………………5 1.2 培养儿童的责任感,增强儿童的意志力………………………6 2、家长的“逼迫政策”,使孩子的兴趣荡然无存…………………6 二、儿童学习钢琴兴趣的产生和保持………………………………7 1、家庭良好的钢琴氛围...................................7 2、老师以及家长的不断鼓励.………………………………………7 三、兴趣培养中教师起到的主导作用………………………………8 1、优化教师的语言艺术.……………………………………………8 1.1 教师的素质………………………………………………………8 1.2 教学内容…………………………………………………………8 2、要采用形象直观的教学方法.……………………………………9 3、教师的范奏要准确、规范、富于表现力.………………………9 4、要合理科学地选择好钢琴教材.…………………………………10 四、如何激发儿童自主积极性,以提高其学习的兴趣……………10 1、创设情境让儿童在愉悦的情景中感受与体验音乐.……………10 1.1 通过多媒体技术…………………………………………………10 1.2 表演情景剧.……………………………………………………10 2、要让儿童有明确的钢琴练习目标.………………………………11 3、巧提趣味性话(问)题,激发儿童学习能


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