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毕业设计报告(论文) 报告(论文)题目:智能节能窗户控制系统的设计 作者所在系部: 机电工程 作者所在专业: 车辆工程 作者所在班级: B13141 作 者 姓 名 : 尤焜 作 者 学 号 : 指导教师姓名: 孟立新 完 成 时 间 : 2017年5月27日 北华航天工业学院教务处制 摘 要 本系统的主要器件即为控制器件单片机和各种不同类型、不同功能的传感器,单片机根据接收传感器检测模块的信号,发出相应的控制指令,实现开、关窗,声光报警,等功能,实现窗户开、关的智能化。智能窗户控制系统使用机械传动控制窗户的开关与窗帘的开合,机械部分由步进电机提供动力,通过设计动滑轮组在运动部件和窗架间进行传动。电子自动控制系统部分包含湿度温度探测传感器模块、光敏电阻传感器模块、烟雾探测传感器模块、红外检测防盗模块、换风控制模块。各传感器将探测到的变化反映到单片机口,由单片机根据信号的变化(即电平的高低)判断外界环境的变化,然后根据内部设定的程序发出命令,控制机械传动部分实现相应的动作。 关键词:电机 传感器 信号 指令 自动控制 Abstract The main device of the system is the control device MCU and various types and different functions of the sensor, MCU according to receive the signal of the sensor detection module, issued the corresponding control instructions, implementation of open, window, sound and light alarm, and so on, to achieve the windows open and intelligent. The intelligent window control system uses the mechanical transmission control window switch and the curtain to open and close, the mechanical part is provided by the stepping motor, through the design movable pulley block carries on the transmission between the moving part and the window frame. The electronic automatic control system includes humidity temperature detection sensor module, photosensitive resistance sensor module, smoke detection sensor module, infrared detection anti-theft module, wind change control module. Each sensor will detect the changes reflected in the microcontroller mouth, the MCU according to the change of signal ( i.e level of level ) to judge the change of the external environment, and then according to the internal programmed order to control the mechanical transmission part to achieve the corresponding action. Keywords: Automatic control of motor sensor signal instruction 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 1 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 


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