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毕业设计报告(论文) 母线保护装置仿真软件设计 Simulation Software Design of Busbar Protection Device Abstract This article describes the current busbar protection equipment in the production and operation of existing some problems, to express the meaning of research and development of busbar protection device, and theory analysis, software design and test device for whole process are described. Paper through the study of busbar protection principle and technical requirements, studied at home and abroad are using the criterion of current differential protection advantages and disadvantages on the basis, summed up a set of new busbar differential protection practical criterion and the practical protection criterion without the limitations of the previous criterion. In the simulation design, the software is modularized according to the performance of the protection criterion, which is based on the different status of the fault and the corresponding protection module. The differential flow data processing module and the protection function module are separated, and each protection module is shared with the experimental data, so that the software is optimized. At the same time to meet the requirements of busbar protection, the use of computer programming language, so that it can ensure the efficiency of the software running. Based on the experimental results can be obtained: according to the busbar differential protection criterion and the development of the protection device, it can be based on changes in the bus running status and fault conditions, real-time change action criterion, thus making it protection performance to achieve the best condition. Key words: busbar protection; differential protection;simulation model 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 母线保护的发展及现状分析 1 1.2 母线保护的分类 1 1.3 选题及研究的意义 1 1.4 母线保护装置的技术要求 1 1.5 主要内容 2 第二章 母线保护原理研究 3 2.1 母线保护原理 3 2.1.1 母线保护原理的分类 3 2.1.2 母线保护中电阻大小分类 4 2.2 电流比相式母线保护 4 2.3双母线差动保护 5 2.3.1 断路器失灵保护 5 2.4 分布式母线保护 5 2.5 母线保护原理小结 6 第三章 母


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