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百货商场全自动化立体停车库可行性研究 The Feasibility Study of Full Automatic Parking Garage in Shopping Mall 专 业 项目管理 准考证号 姓 名 指导教师 20164月8日 摘 要 近20年来,随着我国城市建设速度的加快,改革的不断深入,经济蓬勃发展,市交通需求量也日益增大。因此车辆停放依旧是市民最为关注的问题。简单的基础设施建设和停车管理技术已经不能满足社会日眼增长车辆的对停车服务的需求。作为现代大型智能停车场的灵魂---停车场智能管理系统也是日新月异,尤其是近几年随着电子产品及系统软件越来越快的更新周期。 机械车库与传统的自然地下车库相比,在许多方面都显示出优越性,首先,机械车库具有突出的节地优势。以往的地下车库由于要留出足够的行车通道,平均一辆车就要占据40平方米的面积,而如果采用双层机械车库,可使地面的使用率提高80%—90%,如果采用地上多层(21层)立体式车库的话,50平方米土地面积上便可以存放40辆车,着可以大大地节省有限的土地资源,并节省土建开发成本。 机械车库与地下车库相比可更加有效地保证人身和车辆的安全,人在车库内或车不停准位置,由电子控制的整个设备便不会运转。应该说,机械车库从管理上可以做到彻底的人车分流。 关键词:PLC 室外停车场 Abstract Over the past 20 years, with the rapid development of Chinas urban construction, the continuous deepening of reform, economic booming, the city traffic demand is also growing. Therefore, the vehicle is still the most concerned about the issue of public concern. Simple infrastructure construction and parking management technology has been unable to meet the needs of the social and daily eye growth vehicles on the parking service. As the soul of the modern large-scale intelligent parking lot management system is also changing rapidly, especially in recent years, with the rapid development of electronic products and systems software. Mechanical garage with the traditional natural underground garage, in many ways have shown superiority, first of all, the mechanical garage with a prominent section of the ground. In the past, due to the underground garage to set aside enough traffic channel, the average vehicle to occupy an area of 40 square meters, and if the use of double mechanical garage, can make the use of the ground floor of 80% - 90%, if the use of ground (21) three-dimensional garage, 50 square meters of land area can be stored 40 cars, can greatly save limited land resources, and save the cost of civil engineering. Mechanical garage and underground garage can be more effective to ensure the safety of people and vehicles, people in the garage or th


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