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摘  要 公路货物运输量的日益增长使企业货运配载系统的专业化和现代化显得愈发需要,货运配载系统对公路货运的高效工作和良好发展有着重要的支撑和引导作用。但是一直以来对公路运输问题的研究在货运配载方面却很少涉及,良好的配载系统在货运企业中也很少得到完善的应用。因此,对公路运输企业货运配载系统进行专项的研究是有必要、有价值的。 本文首先研究目前公路货运配载系统的现状及其特点和缺陷,并分析公路货运在没有一个良好的配载系统管理和指导下对企业、社会造成的损失,了解系统在其中扮演的角色。然后通过对哈尔滨佳吉物流有限公司进行调研,掌握企业车辆数量和种类、经营路线、货源组织以及车货组配等数据和资料,构建这个企业的货运配载系统。在这基础上建立一个对系统的评价体系,评价体系根据配载业务的原则和业务流程,建立系统的评价指标,然后运用层次分析法,对货运企业货运陪在系统进行评价,找出问题并提出更改意见。最后,将优化之后的系统进行实证分析,进一步完善修正,保证其可行性。 关键词:货运配载系统;公路货运;层次分析;构建体系;评价优化 ABSTRACT The volume of road freight transport enterprises in the growing cargo loading system, it is more specialized and the need for modernization, freight loading and freight traffic on the highway system and the sound development of high-performance has an important role in the support and guidance. However, road transport has been on the research contained in the cargo area with little cover, good cargo loading system in enterprises has been improved and few applications. Therefore, road transport companies to carry out cargo loading system, a special study is necessary and valuable. In this paper, current road freight loading system and the status and characteristics of defects, and analysis of road freight transport in the absence of a well-contained system with management and, under the guidance of the enterprise, and social losses caused by the system in which to understand the role.Rresearch Jiaji Logistics companies of Harbin,get the number of vehicles and types of enterprises, business line, supply organizations, as well as cars and other goods group with data and information, building the enterprise system of cargo loading. On this basis the establishment of a system of evaluation system, evaluation system based on the principle of loading operations and business processes, the establishment of evaluation index system, and then use the level of analysis, on the cargo freight business with the evaluation system to identify problems and change of views. Finally, optimizing the system after the empirical a


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