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PT10之七(因素分析) 心理与教育测量 教学课件
心理测量原理2010之七因素分析 王才康 华南师大心理系 2010-5-28 Factor Analysis Ainsworth Psy 524 /~ata20315/.../Psy524%20lecture%2020%20FA.ppt? What is Factor Analysis (FA)? FA and PCA (principal components analysis) are methods of data reduction Take many variables and explain them with a few “factors” or “components” Correlated variables are grouped together and separated from other variables with low or no correlation What is FA? Patterns of correlations are identified and either used as descriptives (PCA) or as indicative of underlying theory (FA) Process of providing an operational definition for latent construct (through regression equation) What is FA? FA and PCA are not much different than canonical correlation in terms of generating canonical variates from linear combinations of variables Although there are now no “sides” of the equation And your not necessarily correlating the “factors”, “components”, “variates”, etc. General Steps to FA Step 1: Selecting and Measuring a set of variables in a given domain Step 2: Data screening in order to prepare the correlation matrix Step 3: Factor Extraction Step 4: Factor Rotation to increase interpretability Step 5: Interpretation Further Steps: Validation and Reliability of the measures “Good Factor” A good factor: Makes sense will be easy to interpret simple structure Lacks complex loadings Problems w/ FA Unlike many of the analyses so far there is no statistical criterion to compare the linear combination to In MANOVA we create linear combinations that maximally differentiate groups In Canonical correlation one linear combination is used to correlate with another Problems w/ FA It is more art than science There are a number of extraction methods (PCA, FA, etc.) There are a number of rotation methods (Orthogonal, Oblique) Number of factors to extract Communality estimates ETC… This is what makes it great… Problems w/ FA Life (researcher) saver Often when nothing else can be salvaged from research a FA or PCA will be conducted Type
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