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reserve a room 旅游英语 教学课件
Reserving / Booking a Room vocabulary: 预定 v. reserve / book n. reservation make a reservation 客房预定部 Room Reservations 确认 v. confirm n. confirmation 取消 v. cancel n. cancellation 客户 client 空房间 vacancy vacant room 大批订房 block booking 套房/单人房/双人房 suite/ single room/ double room 双人对床房 twin room 三人房(双人房内加一床) triple room 总统套房 executive suite with / without bath 带 / 不带浴室的 with shower 带淋浴的 宽敞的 spacious 旺季 peak season 价格,费用 rate 折扣 discount Useful expressions Hotel’s receptionist: 客房预定部。能否为您效劳? Room Reservations. Can I help you? 您想要什么样的房间? What kind of room do you want? 您想要什么价位的房间? What kind/ sort of price would you like to pay? 是单人房还是双人房? Single or double room? 我们没有任何空的单人房了. We don’t have any single (rooms) available. Customer: 我想在你们旅馆预订一间房间。 I’d like to make a reservation in your hotel. 我想要一间带有浴室的房间。 I’d like a room with bath. 我想要个安静点的房间. I’d prefer a quiet room. 我想要一间视野觉好的房间. I’d like a room with a view. Hotel’s receptionist: 我要查下那天客房出租的状况. I’ll check our vacancies for that day. 我们的确有间空房. We do have a vacancy. 先生,很抱歉,周末所有的双人房都订满了,只有单人房。 Sorry, sir. All double rooms are completely booked up / fully occupied for the weekend. Only single rooms are available. 现在是旺季,抱歉.但能否请您周末再打电话过来?可能会有人取消预订. This is the busiest / peak season. I’m sorry, but could you call us again later this week? We may have a cancellation. Customer: 明天晚上有空房吗? Are there rooms available for tomorrow evening? Do you have any vacancies for tomorrow evening? Hotel’s receptionist: 您准备住多久? How long will you be staying? 请问什么时候住? Which date would that be? / For what date? 双人房每晚200美元。 A double room is $200 per night. For a double room, the price would be $200 per night. 团体预订可以享受15%的优惠. We offer you 15% discount for group reservation. Customer: 只住两个晚上。 Just for two nights. October 24th. 请问房费多少? What is the rate, please? 有折扣吗? Is there any discount? Hotel’s receptionist: 请问您的姓名和地址? May I know your name and address? 请问您的电话号码是多少? What about your telephone number? 我们会为您取消预订. We’ll make the
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