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Unit 05 报价和发盘 商务信函的写作
Unit 5 Quotation and Offer 报价和发盘 目的:掌握发盘的基本约束,以及如何进行报价和发盘的信函书写。 在国际贸易中,发盘(Offer)又称发价,在法律上又称“要约”,是指买方或卖方向对方提出的各项交易条件。发盘通常是一方收到对方的询盘之后所提出的,但也可不经过对方询盘而主动向对方提出。 在实际业务中,当发盘针对一个或几个特定的受盘人明示或暗示发盘人在明确、完整和最终的条件下订立合同的明确意图时,,该盘就为实盘。受盘人一旦在发盘的有效期内有效地表示接受,这个实盘就为不可撤销,并会对发盘人和受盘人双方产生约束力。因此,实盘又称为“有约束力的发盘”。报实盘时必须注意以下三点: (1)发盘必须注明是实盘。 (2)发盘必须明确、清楚、完整、具有最终效力并列出所有的主要交易条件。 (3)发盘必须注明有效期。 完整的报价和发盘应包括以下内容: (1)对询价表示感谢。 (2)提供所要求的所有信息,如价格、折扣及付款条件等细节。 (3)对交货期或装运期的承诺。 (4)如为实盘,应注明有效期。 (5)希望对方接受报价订购货物。 5.2 Writing Skills(写作技巧) 5.3 Specimen Letters(样函) Letter 1:Request for quotation for crockery Dear Sirs, You have previously supplied us with crockery and we should be obliged if you would now quote CIF San Francisco for the items named below. The pattern we require is listed in your 2004 catalogue as No.8. 500 Teacups and Saucers, 200 Tea Plates, 100 2-pint Tea-pots When replying, please state: (1)discounts allowable, (2) terms of payment, and (3) earliest possible date of delivery. Truly yours, Fred Jackson Letter 2:Exporter’s quotation Dear Ms. Chen, Thank you for your letter of 5th April, requesting for a further supply of our crockery, we are pleased to quote as follows: Teacups……………USD500.00 per hundred Tea Saucers…………USD200.00 per hundred Tea Plates……………USD180.00 per hundred Tea-pots, 2-pint ………USD3.00 each Net CIF Francisco The above quotation is subject to our final confirmation. You are allowed a discount of 5% for items ordered in quantities of 500 or more. The terms of payment are by letter of credit at sight to be opened through the Bank of China and the shipment is to be made within four weeks upon receipt of the covering letter of credit. W
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