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28 12 武 汉 理 工 大 学 学 报 Vol. 28 No. 12 2006 12 JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Dec. 2006 1 2 3 易长平 , 卢文波 , 贺学文 ( 1. , 430070; 2. , 430072; 3. , 300222) : 采用多极坐标和复变函数方法, 利用 一个半径很大的圆近似代替半空间的直边界, 用应力波理论, 研究了爆 破振动作用下, 洞室埋深对圆形地下洞室临界振速的影响以埋深为9 m 和600 m 的地下洞室为例, 比较了爆破地震波 作用下, 不同埋深地下洞室的应力和振速分布; 根据实际工程需要, 求出了爆破地震波以不同角度入射, 洞室埋深不同时 围岩的弹性临界破坏振速 : 爆破振动; 埋深; 圆形洞室; 临界破坏振速 : TD 235 : A : 2006) The Influence of Buried De th on Critical Vibration Velocity of Circular Cavity Under the Acting of Blasting Loading 1 2 3 YI Changping , LU Wenbo ,HE Xuewen ( 1 School of Reso rces and Environment Engineering, W han University of Technology, W han 430070, China; 2. School of Water Reso rces and Hydropower, W han University, W han 430072, China; 3. China Railway 18th B rea , Tianjin 300222, China) Abstract: The m lti polar coordinate, complex f nction and stresswave theory are employed to st dy the infl ence of b ried depth on critical vibration velocity of circ lar cavity ind ced by blasting vibration, a circ lar cavity with large radi s is sed to replace the straight bo ndary of the half space. Taking the ndergro nd cavitieswith depth of 9 m and 600 m as the examples, the stress and vibra tion velocity distrib tion of ndergro nd cavitieswith different depth is compared nder the acting of blasting seismic wave. Based on the need of practice engineering, the critical fail re vibration velocity of the cavities is presented nder the condition that the in


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