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分 类 号 密 级 宁XX学院 毕业设计(论文) 电流线圈架塑料模设计 所在学院 专 业 班 级 姓 名 学 号 指导老师 年 月 日 摘 要 模具,又被称作为“工业之母”,其在机械制造领域中的重要性不言而喻,各种模具在消费电子、汽车、飞机制造等工业中大量应用。根据国际生产技术协会和我国工业部统计,目前我国机械制造工业的零件中,其粗加工的75%和精加工的50%都将依靠模具完成。而塑料零件由于其流动性好,充模性能佳,更是大量使用各种模具,90%的塑料零件是由模具完成。模具生产的水平高低直接关系到一个国家制造水平和技术含量的高低,并且关系到产品的使用寿命、外观造型、性能、创新性等方面。很多新技术的推广往往与新材料和新制造工艺的产生密不可分,而这些新的产物都需要模具这种传统工具作为依托才能真正应用到生活中。所以,模具对于工业制造领域有着重要的意义。 通过查阅相关资料,了解本课题的国内外发展趋势并结合所学专业课程,本文以Pro/E软件作为分析,平台完成了电流线骨架造型设计、模具结构设计、模具总图设计、模具三维造型设计,并制定完整的注塑成形工艺,为模具的快速设计提供了一定的参考,具有重要的意义。 关键词:模具,塑料零件,Pro/E,三维造型,注塑成形 Abstract Mold, and referred to as the mother of industrial, its in the field of mechanical manufacturing is very important, all kinds of mould in consumer electronics, automobiles, airplanes manufacturing industry in great quantities in the application. According to the international production technology association and our country industry statistics, at present our country machinery manufacturing industry of the components, the rough machining precision of 75% and 50% of all will depend on mould completed. And plastic parts because of its good fluidity and filling mold performance is good, is the use of various molding, 90% of plastic parts is completed by the mould. The level of the mold production directly related to a country manufacturing level and technical level of the content, and related to the service life of the product, exterior modeling, performance, innovative, etc. A lot of new technology and new materials and promotion often new manufacturing processes produce inseparable, but these new products are need to mould the traditional tools as the basis to really applied to the life. So, mould for industrial manufacturing area has important significance. Through the access relevant information, understanding this topic development trend and unifies studies the professional course, this paper to Pro/E software as analysis, the platform completed the coffee cup modeling desi


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