第4章 Error_Proofing 防错 现场管理 教学课件.ppt

第4章 Error_Proofing 防错 现场管理 教学课件.ppt

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第4章 Error_Proofing 防错 现场管理 教学课件

Chapter 4 Error Proofing 防错 本章学习的目的 防错的概念与防错的作用 了解防错的原理 学习产品及工艺过程防错 学习Poka Yoke装置和系统 了解实施防错的过程和持续改进的过程 Definition 定义 Error Proofing Is a Systematic Approach for Anticipating and Detecting Potential Defects and Preventing Them From Reaching the Customer (Internal or External) 防错是一种预测、检测潜在缺陷,防止顾客(内部与外部)收到有缺陷产品和服务的系统方法。 Error Proofing by Other Names Fool Proofing防止愚蠢行为 Idiot Proofing防止白痴行为 Mistake Proofing防止错误行为 Fail Safing防止失效 Poka Yoke防呆 Zero Quality Control (Zero Defects) 零质量控制(零缺陷) Characteristics of Error Proofing 防错的特点 事先识别与预防 首先预防 缺陷不会进一步发展 Intentionally Designed, Not Happenstance 事先有意设计 At the Source - Close to the Origination 从源头防错 Inexpensive First 首先成本不高 Transparent to the Operator 对操作者而言显而易见 Absolutely Reliable 绝对可靠 Defects and Errors 缺陷和错误 Defects in Products Are the Imperfections (or Faults, or Flaws, or Blemishes, or Shortcomings, or Failings, or Deficiencies) 缺陷是指产品不完美 Resulting From Errors 错误导致缺陷 Errors Are Human Oversights (or Faults, or Blunders, or Boo-boos, or Slip-ups, or Inaccuracies or Miscalculations) That Cause Defects in Products 导致错误的原因是人为疏忽,从而导致产品缺陷。 Why Are Errors Made 为什么会犯错误? Any Product Is a Result of Numerous Decisions Made and Actions Taken by Human Beings, During: 任何一种产品都是人做出诸多决策的产物: Product Design 产品设计 Process Design 过程设计 Equipment Design 设备设计 Component Fabrication Processes 零件加工过程 Product Assembly Processes 产品装配过程 Inspection Processes 检验过程 Paperwork Generation 文书工作 SOME Examples of Defects Wrong or Inappropriate Material 错误或不适合的材料 Wrong or Non-functioning Components 错误或者不起作用的零件 Wrong Dimensions or Tolerances 尺寸或公差错误 Missing Components 零件漏装(丢失) Foreign Matters, Contamination 杂质物质,脏污 Damaged Product or Components 损坏的产品或零部件 Wrong Paperwork, or Wrong Product Shipped 错误的文件,装运了错误的产品 Non-functioning or Malfunctioning Product 无法实现功能的产品或者存在故障的产品 Wrong Shipping, or Wrong Billing 运输错误或者是填单错误 SOME Examples of Causes of Defects Poor Design Decisions 设计决策不佳 Omitted or Wrong Processing 工艺疏忽或工艺错误 Missing / Extra Parts or Wrong Parts


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